Dark Age Modpack (1.12.2) The peace and quiet of the daytime can be very deceiving. The empire has been defeated, and all that is left of it are its shattered remains, while its six successor states are engaged in a never-ending battle against the enormous hordes of the living dead that rule the night. The common man suffers under the severe despotism of the aristocracy and the savagery of the horde. As unusual people who speak odd tongues rush in to stake their claim, scholarly pursuits are neglected, and the rituals of the ancient gods have been lost to memory for a very long time. There is no question that the current era on Earth is one of great darkness. Dark Age offers a compelling world in which players can pursue a variety of interesting play styles. The game is based around Minecolonies, Millenaire, and Zombie Awareness, and it features old and new fan favorites like Tinker’s Construct, Quark, Rustic, Toroquest, Ancient Warfare, and Dungeon Tactics. Throw in many swashbuckling bespoke constructions and plenty of possibility for low-tech automation and you have a modpack that delivers a unique experience as well as a change of pace from other modpacks.


  • Many new features in the game.
  • You will encounter many NPCs in the game.
  • Trade with NPCs to get the items you need.



Minecraft Forge


How to install:

Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Modpack

Dark Age Modpack (1.12.2) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2

Forge Version: Download from Server 1

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