DarkoHUD Mod (1.16.5) changes the game’s HUD, adding some information to the display. Minecraft has a pretty simple display system, showing you information about your body, health bars and food bars, armor bars and oxygen bars when in the water, that’s all that Minecraft displays. Sometimes you don’t know what time it is in the game, or what biome you’re in, or how durable your armor is? And if you want improvements in HUD and Minecraft, try DarkoHUD Mod! Immediately after installation, your HUD will immediately be given some additional information such as, what is your armor, and how durable they are; or display the date, time, biome you are currently standing in, all are displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen. However, this will be a new experience for you, so give it a try!


  • Armor and held items are displayed in the left-center of the screen.
  • Remaining durability of items is shown next to them.
  • Day, Time, and Biome is shown in the bottom-left corner.
  • Biome name will turn green if in a slime chunk or in a swamp at the right height for slime spawning.



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DarkoHUD Mod (1.16.5) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.16.5

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