Dead Man’s Abyss Mod (1.12.2) – Thrilling and Atmospheric Challenge
Dead Man’s Abyss Mod (1.12.2) is a spooky and immersive addition to Minecraft, designed to create a unique and eerie gameplay experience.
- Darkness Event: Introduces a special event triggered randomly after visiting the Nether or by throwing a “Blind Quartz” into water. During this event, the Overworld is plunged into darkness, and normal mobs stop spawning.
- Sound-Based Mobs: Adds terrifying mobs that rely on sound to track players. The more noise you make, the larger their detection radius becomes.
- Pitch-Black Shader: During the event, dark areas become completely black, adding to the challenge and atmosphere.
- Light-Revealing Mushrooms: Mushrooms transform into light sources during the event, helping players navigate the darkness.
- Event Duration: The event naturally ends at dawn, restoring the world to normal.
Minecraft Forge or Fabric API or Quilt Loader or NeoForge Installer
How to install:
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Dead Man’s Abyss Mod (1.12.2) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.12.2
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
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