DiamondSim Client Mod (1.16.5) simulates diamond and ancient debris generation for a given seed and projects it into your world. Because of this it can bypass orbfuscator and so on. It will only fail if the server uses a different way to generate ores. This mod allows you to use Xray on servers that have protection against Xray mods. However, this mod isn’t perfect; server owners can still deceive it if they wish. Additionally, you’ll need to know the world seed of the server, which isn’t always straightforward to obtain. Users report that this mod works well and can help you bypass anti-Xray plugins on servers, making it easier to find valuable resources.


  • If you know the server’s world seed and the server owners haven’t altered ore generation using other plugins or mods, this mod allows you to generate the world based on the seed.
  • It reveals all ores and highlights them when you’re on the server, which is quite clever and effective.
  • The main challenge is obtaining the world seed from the server admins, as they’re unlikely to share it willingly. However, you can attempt to calculate it using the seedcracker mod.


How to use:

Find the World Seed:

  • You can use the seedcracker mod to discover the world seed.

Install the Mod:

  • Install the mod and type the command in chat: /diasim seed [seed number].

Specify the Game Version:

  • Set the game version using the command: /diasim

Mine for Diamonds:

  • Start mining for diamonds.

Enable/Disable Xray:

  • Toggle Xray mode with the command: /diasim active [ON/OFF].

Adjust Mod Range:

  • Change the mod’s detection range with: /diasim range [number] (default is 100).

Check Opaque Blocks:

  • Use the command: /diasim checkOpaque [ON/OFF] (default is OFF). This affects transparency checks, although the exact behavior isn’t certain.


Fabric Loader

Fabric API

How to install:

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DiamondSim Client Mod (1.16.5) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.16.5

Fabric version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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