Do you like boss fights?? If you do, lucky for you, this addon is for people who enjoy boss fights and want more in your Minecraft world. Disciples of the Void, Volume I Addon (1.20, 1.19) adds 10 unique bosses to fight in your gameplay loop each with their own special quirk!


Welcome to Disciples of the Void Addon (1.19): Volume I, an addon dedicated to adding more bosses, items, and weapons to spice up your playthrough a little bit. This addon is split into three parts. Two of them have a set of bosses tougher than the last, and the last one has a pretty tough final boss.

Quick Notes:

  • These are the three ”chapters” of this addon. Each part beyond chapter one is assuming you have completed the objectives of the previous one.
  • It is recommended to play on NORMAL difficulty to get the full experience.

Part One: Starter Bosses

There is a LOT to do in this addon, but let’s go through the basics first. First, you will need to find a mob called “Void Zombies“. They can be found where normal hostile mobs spawn.

They look like normal zombies, but are more of a grey color and have a tiny bit more health. they also violently shake their heads at anything they attack.

  • Health – 60 / (30 Hearts)
  • Damage – 6 / (3 Hearts)
  • Drops – Rotten Flesh & Void Fragments

When you kill enough Voided zombies to collect Nine fragments, You can craft “Void Crystal I”, which can be used to craft the manifests to spawn in the bosses.

The crafting recipes for each mob are shown below:

Manifests are used to summon different entities from this addon. Each one is crafted a little different from each other, but the basics are the same.
Once you have crafted a manifest, you are ready to fight a boss. The bosses of part one are listed below.

Brawneus, The Rotten Brute

Brawneus is an upgraded version of his predecessor, “Brawlatar”. He slightly resembles the original concept with his rotting flesh and his original concept, but is slightly more calculate and weary with his weapon.

  • Health – 800 (400 Hearts)
  • Attack – 8 (4 Hearts)

Brawneus is the brute of the group. When he is hurt by a player, he has a 0.025% chance of enraging. He will then roar, Boosting his damage and making him invincible for 10 seconds while charging you.


  • He is summoned by the Manifest of Brawl
  • Drops the “Brawler” Sword
  • Drops Brawneus Teeth


Brawneus drops the “Brawler”, a heavy wooden spikey club that can wallop some serious damage. When used, you enter “Blind Rage’, where you gain Resistance, Strength, and Speed for 10 seconds.

Limbosis, The End Usurper

Limbosis is a rouge, upgraded version of another mutated enderman known by the name “Eribus”.

Health – 400 (200 Hearts)
Attack – 6 (3 Hearts)

Limbosis is basically a more powerful enderman. he favors attacking the physically attacking the player normally than teleporting. Does he teleport at all? Well…

When hit by a player, he has a 77% Chance of enraging, when he enraged he spawns clones of himself to attack you and quickly teleports around the area. He calms down shortly after.


  • Limbosis is spawned by the Manifest of The End
  • Drops The “Endbreaker” sword
  • Drops “Limbosis Armor Fragments”

The Endbreaker

He drops ”The Endbreaker”, a special heavy weight diamond greatsword blessed with the power of endermen. When used, the player will teleport like a vanilla enderman.

Alatar, The Corrupted Evoker

This is Alatar, a wizard known to have the powers of creation. He is a cleaner, more organized, and wiser version of his previous form. He is not as powerful as in his past life but definitely has more charm.

Health – 600 (300 Hearts)

Alastair is like a normal evoker, except he has a bigger spell list. These are listed below along with what color they are when he casts them:

  • Spawns two rows of Evocation Fangs (Light Purple)
  • Spawns two more RINGS of Evocation Fangs (Light Purple)
  • Can summon Bats that explode after a short amount of time. (Maroon)
  • Spawns a circle of fireballs around the player. (Orange)
  • Summons vindicators around him and the player (Dark Green)


  • He is summoned by the “Manifest of Magic”.
  • Drops the “Majar” Blade
  • Drops a “Command Block Fragment”


He drops an item called “Majar“, a magic katana filled with the deepest of evils. Which shoots random projectiles.

Osseous, The Bone Demon

Osseous, also known as: “the bone demon” is a mutated wither skeleton with outgrown bones coming out of his body. He is also covered in a layer of dried blood from head to toe.

Health – 500 (250 Hearts)

Damage – 8 (4 Hearts)

Osseous is a wither skeleton that has been mutated. He acts like a normal wither skeleton, attacking the player and inflicting wither.
When damaged by a player, he has a 6% chance of roaring and calling for backup by summoning three Blood Skeletons.


  • He is summoned by the “Manifest of Death”
  • Drops the “Ossin” blade
  • Drops “Osseous Bone”


On death, he drops the “Osseon”, a rage-filled chainsaw that is often used as a normal sword. When used, the player gains the wither debuff in exchange for an extreme damage boost.

Part Two: Tier II Bosses

This is the second “chapter“ of this addon.

  • It is assumed at this point that you have defeated the first set of disciples.
  • Enchanted Netherite Armor is recommended for at LEAST the first half of this chapter.

This is part one of the Lorekeeper Update. Each one will drop an item unique to them that you can trade with the new NPC.

You might of noticed this merchant walking around the over world, naturally spawning like normal monsters do. When killed, he will transform back into a human and you can then trade with him.

The void merchant sells quite a bit of items. But first, I’m sure you noticed trade items from the first set of disciples. You can use them and trade them for “Battle Coin I”. With these battle coins you can trade them for the manifests of the original disciples.

Deathblade The “Invincible”

Deathblade, a mutated, bloody wither skeleton is the most powerful of the second set of disciples. He was originally a wither skeleton made more powerful by command blocks. One his creator discovered the ability to create his own, sentient mobs, he created Deathblade along with his brothers.

  • Attack: 30
  • 1200 Health (600 hearts)

When engage, he will attack you like any other wither skeleton. But don’t let that fool you, he is a VERY dangerous mob. He will easily do a ton of damage against you and inflict you with wither.

Not only that, but when hit, he has a chance to engage in a spin attack. Dealing a good amount of damage per hit.

Alatar the “Invincible”

Alatar is the dark magic wielding side of the original bunch. He was originally an evoker who found a stack of command blocks and began to experiment with his summons. When ”The Creator” found out what he was doing. he decided to use his powers of creation to give him his own body.

…and his own abilities.

  • 1600 Health (600 Hearts)
  • No outright attack damage.

Unlike normal evokers, he’s not afraid of players and faces them head on. He acts like a normal evoker, but he has more advanced, less organized, and irrational attacks. Each attack can be recognized by each particle:

  • Dark Green: Summons Alatines to attack you.
  • Dark Red: Fireball
  • Cyan: Summons a circle of strays to shoot arrows at you.
  • Green: Wither Skeleton
  • Pink: Dragon Fireball
  • Light light blue: Vexs
  • White: Sets off a huge explosion for massive damage. RUN WHEN YOU SEE THIS.

Brawlatar The “Invincible”

Brawlatar was originally a zombie pigman who fought players in a high tier arena in the overworld. He was a champion fighter who could defeat anyone.
when the nether update rolled around, he got turned into a zombie piglin. ”The Creator” felt so bad for him and his wasted potential, that he decided to give him his own body. He combined the strength of a piglin brute, and the wits and cordnation from his original body. But as you can see, his body fought the process.

  • 600 Health, Phase I & II
  • 20 Attack Damage (Phase I)
  • 30 Attac

When attacked, like Osseous he has a chance to summon backup. It’s recommended to kill the backup as soon as possible so they don’t build up over the battle.

Eribus The “Immortal End King”

Eribus is the predecessor of Limbosis. A enderman, You guessed it. Mutated by command blocks and gaining power in his personal end home.

  • 1200 Health.
  • 30 – 50 Attack Damage.

When angry, he will attack the player like a normal Enderman, But faster and hits harder. not only that, but he teleports around VERY frequently.

Cold Ones

As you may of noticed, the merchant sells an item called “Cold ones” They basically megabuff the player so that you have more defense and damage fighting the original disciples so you don’t have to shred your original armor.

This potion is HIGHLY recommended to be used against every threat in chapters two and three so that:

  • Your maxed netherite armor doesn’t get shredded and destroyed in the flick of a finger.
  • Bosses are no longer damage sponges.

Battle Coin II

When you kill the original disciples, you are given “Battle Coin II”. You can use these coins with the merchant for new armor and the final manifest of chapter two.

Chaos Armor

When you collect enough battle coins, you can buy the chaos armor from the merchant. An armor set straight from the end carrying over the energy of pure chaos!

This armor set gives REALLY good defense and can take quite a beating! It is recommended to use against anything above Chapter I so that you don’t shred your main set of armor

The Fallen Manifest

With the second of level of battle coins, you can also buy The Fallen Manifest and fight the bonus boss of this chapter.

Fallen Erian

Phase I:

Fallen Erian is a beat-up version of Erian from Volume II. He is purely a bonus boss and has no lore attached to him.

  • Health: 400 Hearts
  • Attack: 30 Hearts

In his first form, he attacks you like any other mob.

Phase II:

Health: 800 Health

Attack: 50 Hearts

In his second form, he will climb out of the ground to attack the player in a new form. He will walk up to you and strike you.


”A fury charged with even more insanity and misunderstanding”

This sword is dropped by Erius. It is basically a carbon copy of “Rage” from Volume II, but every single stat is doubled.

When used, a “slam” attack is executed which will rot away your foes for double the damage, double the time as the original.

This is the end of Chapter II

Part Three: Final Boss

This next part of the addon assumes you have defeated the first two sets of disciples.

The Final Manifest

Don’t like your chaos armor? burn it. When you smelt it in a furnace, you get an item called “Chaos Crystal Fragment”. smelting the entire set will give you four fragments. When you have four fragments you can combine them into a chaos crystal. when you have the chaos crystal, you can trade it with the void merchant for the final manifest.

The Puppet

The Puppet is the very first creator of these beings and is responsible of the first set of disciples. He has been struck down and imprisoned by The Creator of the next generation.

  • 2000 Health
  • 35 Damage (Melee Mode)
  • 25 Damage (Ranged Mode)
  • 25 Damage Per Tick (Spin Attack)

The puppet is the “Final Boss” of this addon. He is the most powerful mob in this addon as he doesn’t have a singular attack pattern. he melee attacks you, shoots kunai at you, summons evocantion fangs and an alternate version of Alatar, and has a powerful spin attack.

Godslayer Alatar

In his summon mode, he has a chance to summon “Godslayer Alatar”, the most powerful version of alatar. Don’t worry, he’s not a main threat yet. but that does not mean he’s harmless. when summoned, he will give The Puppet resistance L (50) until he dies. you HAVE to kill him in order to hurt the puppet again.

“Player…” “…Don’t” “…Trust” “…The creator.”

When killed, he will play his death animation. クリエイター will take him back and you are rewarded for your efforts.

ヒル // Hill

+17 Attack Damage

When the puppet is killed, you get the Hill sword. this sword has three abilities.

  • when a disciple is struck with this sword, they are incapacitated for the rest of their existence. This swords abilities can also be used against the disciples in Volume II. (And the sword in Volume II can be used here too!)
  • If you crouch and then USE the sword, lightning shoots off around you.
  • When ANY mob is struck with this sword, you are given a MASSIVE regeneration buff.

Finale: Final Weapon + Final Details

This update has assumed that you have done EVERYTHING this addon has to offer up to now. Because if you didn’t, this information would be useless. (Except one block)

New Blocks

You might of noticed, but if you haven’t I will tell you anyway. When a disciple is killed, they each have a 10% chance of dropping their head. These are purely for decoration.

Final Sword

The “Zenith” of Disciples of The Void: Volume I “Yin”, the good side of “Yin and Yang”. This sword focuses on wiping in impurities around you.

This sword can be crafted with every single sword you have collected on the way at a crafting table with four chaos crystals.


When an enemy is hit with this sword, they are given wither and weakness, the user gains regeneration and resistance.

USE ABILITY: Escaton Judgement

When used, all enemy’s around you are obiterated. This attack shreds armor. Use responsibly.

“Yang” will be added with Lorekeeper Update: Pt, II of Disciples of The Void: Volume II.

This is the end of Chapter III, and this addon. Enjoy!

Installation Note:

  • Make sure you activated all the Experimental Gameplay Options.

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Disciples of the Void, Volume I Addon (1.20, 1.19)Download Links

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For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20

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