Document 17 Mod (1.20.1) – More Powerful Armor & Gear
Document 17 Mod (1.20.1) gives you access to some very powerful tools, weapons and armor in the game. Currently, the mod has five armor sets and each one gives you unique abilities that will help you in different situations. There are also unique ways to obtain the items required to craft each type of armor. It is also recommended to use the JustEnoughItems mod to view the crafting recipes for the new items. The different variants of armors and their properties are given below.
- Bioforce: The energy of life. Nothing could live without it. However, it also cannot create more of itself without living creatures to grow inside of.
- Negative Bioforce: The energy of death. Can be obtained by killing mobs, regardless of whatever it is that you killed. This can be used to create strong armor and weapons.
- Warpzone: The crystalline energy of the warp zone. When wearing a full set, it provides a huge boost in speed and haste. Perfect for those who love to move fast. Also the base under armor of any speedsters.
- Cringe Point: Similar to the Cenk, but with slightly different buffs. (currently unattainable)
- Cenk: A regular armor made out of a nearly indestructible material and provides WAY extra protection.
- Time Core: A slight speed boost, and the starting armor of any time manipulator.
Crafting Recipes:
How to install:
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Document 17 Mod (1.20.1) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.20.1
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
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