DoggyStyle Mod 1.8.9, 1.7.10 introduces dogs to Minecraft. Dogs are not wolves, they are a separate and distinct entity altogether. Thus mods which change wolves should work just fine side-by-side with DoggyStyle, but the changes will not be applied to dogs. They do share some behavior with wolves, however. Untamed dogs can be tamed by giving them a bone, and tamed dogs can be made to breed by giving most kinds of meat to an adult male and an adult female of the same breed. Which brings up the point that dogs have genders. Though it doesn’t affect their appearance, it is important when breeding. Also like wolves, it is possible to give dogs collars of any dye color by using the dye on them. Leads placed on dogs with collars will match the dog’s collar color.

DoggyStyle Mod

This mod adds in a large variety of dog breeds for pets! You can control the dogs with a whistle and have them do tasks. You can also build them a dog house where they can stay to recover health.


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Crafting Recipes:

Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod

Dog House

  • The primary purpose of the dog house is to prevent a player’s dogs from dying. It is crafted using 7 wood planks, 1 bowl, and 1 bone. The appearance of the dog house depends on which wood is used in its construction. Any vanilla planks can be used to make the wooden parts of the house match those planks, with oak being the default if multiple types of planks or non-vanilla planks are used. The roof color can be changed by right-clicking the house with any dye. Right-clicking an empty dog house while sneaking will remove it so that it can be picked up and moved.
  • A dog with a dog house will return to it when critically injured and will heal while inside. In order to assign a dog house to a dog, first place the dog house in the world, then right click it. Any dogs nearby which belong to you and do not already have homes will appear in a list from which you can choose the house’s new owner. The name of the dog who belongs to a house will appear on a nameplate on top of the house. Right-clicking the dog house will cause the dog to exit, and the dog can be sent to the house from the Dog Menu. A dog’s owner can also call the dog to their house by right-clicking the house with a dog whistle.

DoggyStyle Mod Crafting Recipes 1

Herding Staff

  • A herding staff allows players to instruct dogs who have the Herding skill to gather animals of a particular type. It is crafted using 2 sticks and 1 feather (for chickens), 1 leather (for cows), 1 raw porckchop (for pigs), or 1 wool of any color (for sheep).
  • Upon placing the staff on the ground, and at any time afterwards by right-clicking it, the player will be presented with a list of nearby dogs which they own, who have the Herding skill. Clicking on a dog’s name will instruct that dog to find a nearby animal of the appropriate type, and bring it back to the staff. If a nearby animal can’t be found, the dog will whine, but keep trying. Currently the only dogs capable of herding are the two breeds of Corgi, and only those which have been bred by two Corgi parents, as opposed to found in the wild or hatched from an egg. Bred Corgis have a chance of having the Herding skill available. If they do, their Dog Menu will display the word Herding next to a green check mark.

DoggyStyle Mod Crafting Recipes 2


  • The Hydrant is a block which causes dogs to spawn nearby. It is crafted using 5 iron ingots, 1 water bucket, and 1 dye of the appropriate color. Currently red, blue, and yellow hydrants can be made. The bucket used in the recipe is emptied, but not consumed. The type of dog that spawns is determined by the color of hydrant, with larger dogs spawning from red hydrants, medium-sized dogs spawning from blue hydrants, and smaller dogs spawning from yellow ones.
  • During the day, dogs will appear near hydrants provided a player is within 128 blocks, but not within 24 blocks, and that there is not a dog already within roughly 16 blocks. Dogs spawned by hydrants will sit near the hydrant and not roam around. At night, dogs spawned by hydrants will disappear. In addition to simply making it easier to find dogs in general and dogs of a certain size in particular, this also accommodates players who prefer not to have domestic dogs spawning in the wild, and also prefer not to use spawn eggs. Those players can simply turn off dog spawning within the world, and place hydrants within villages or around player-made structures so that dogs only spawn in civilized areas.

DoggyStyle Mod Crafting Recipes 3

Dog Whistle

  • The dog whistle is used to interact with dogs. It is crafted using 3 iron ingots. By right-clicking a dog with a dog whistle, a player can open the dog’s Dog Menu. If player’s don’t want the dog whistle to be required, there is a configuration option to disable it. The dog whistle will still be available and craftable, and will still function the same way, but it will also be possible to open the Dog Menu by right-clicking a dog with an open hand.
  • An additional use of the dog whistle, is to call a dog to their home. Right-clicking a dog house which is associated with a particular dog will cause that dog to immediately enter the dog house, just as if the “Go Home” option had been selected from the Dog Menu. This can be especially useful if a dog is wandering around and proving difficult to keep up with, or if it is desired to send several dogs to their homes at once.

DoggyStyle Mod Crafting Recipes 4

How to use:

  • When first taming a dog, or when first interacting with a puppy bred from two tamed dogs, an interface will appear allowing the player to choose a name for the dog.
  • A random, gender-appropriate name will be provided as a default, but any name of 15 or fewer characters can be entered.
  • Right-clicking a tamed dog will open their Dog menu.

Mod Showcases:


Minecraft Forge

How to install:

    How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
    How To Download & Install Fabric Mods

DoggyStyle Mod 1.8.9, 1.7.10 Download Links

For Minecraft 1.7.10

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For Minecraft 1.8.0

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For Minecraft 1.8.9

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