Dragon Slayer Plugin (1.19, 1.18) – Spigot
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February 2, 2023
Dragon Slayer Plugin (1.19, 1.18) shall arise once more from its ashes! Only the bravest hero, who triumphs over the Mighty Dragon, can rightfully claim the title of Dragon Slayer.
- Upon the defeating the dragon, the slayer will get the Dragon Slayer prefix in chat and tablist (Configurable)
- An armorstand or NPC-statue can be placed anywhere. It will show who is the DragonSlayer! (PlaceholderAPI can be used for its displayname)
- Configurable Ender Dragon respawn time and locations.
- Multiple spawns and portals possible per world!
- Multiple BossBars and adjustable distance to show it.
- Timer Dispays for next respawn or reset/refresh (countdowns), can be enabled or disabled in config.
- Respawn- and reset-timers will continue after the server restarts.
- Prevent the server from respawning or removing dragons by itself at server restart (or at world refresh).
- Configurable reward/money (requires vault)
- Alternative-Reward-System available (based on damage made per player)
- Executable server commands at dragon-kill and at dragon-spawn (with percentage chance of execution)
- Additional (player based) server commands at dragon-kill when ‘Alternative Reward’ is used!
- Multidragon support and multiple dragon names and values per world.
- OneByOne-feature with multidragons (only one dragon spawns, selected at random from a list of dragons)
- Multiworld support and dragon settings per world. (even in overworld!)
- Player prefix or suffix (Internal usage or by placeholders) in chat and in tablist.
- UltimateChat (Uchat), Legendchat and EssentialsChat support for prefix/suffix.
- PlaceholderAPI (PAPI) support: usable for chat, timers and scoreboard etc.
- HolographicDisplays can be used to display kill ranks or respawn timers and more…
- Automatic healing of dragons (configurable).
- Old portal spawn behavior like in 1.8 for 1.9++ servers (configurable)
- Automatic World Reset (configurable) or by command.
- Automatic World Refresh by crystals (like the original dragon respawn), can also be called by command.
- Players may automaticaly respawn in overworld or in lobby after dragonkill (configurable)
- Drop dragon eggs as blocks or as items. (configurable)
- Drop dragon skulls.
- Egg and skull drop with configurable drop chance.
- Configurable denial of players interacting with dragon eggs (blocks).
- Configurable denial of players placing endercrystals to respawn dragon by hand.
- Endgateways are supported (creation, deactivation or checking), even in 1.16+!
- Fix for possibly missing EnderDragonBattle in non default end worlds (1.19)
- Fix for the endgateways for MC-versions that have issues with this (1.9-1.13 and 1.16). Server will always use the next gateway after serverrestart instead of starting over at the 1st again!
- Fix for issues with gateways’ teleport destinations !
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugin’s directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.
Dragon Slayer Plugin (1.19, 1.18) Download Links
For All Versions from Minecraft Spigot 1.8 to Minecraft Spigot 1.19
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