Dulce De Leche Mod 1.9.4
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June 27, 2016
Dulce De Leche Mod adds content that tries to follow vanilla balance.
Enchantments Module
Adds different enchantments to the game.
Area Enchantment: The Area enchantment can be applied to tools. It makes it so that when you mine a block, it also mines the blocks in a 3×3 (Area I) or 5×5 (Area II) around the original target.
Food Module
Dulce de leche and Vauquita
Dulce De Leche is a food item obtained by cooking a milk bucket in a furnace. When eaten, it temporarily provides Haste II and Slowness II.
The Vauqita is another food item crafted from sugar and Dulce De Leche, when eaten it teporarily provides Haste I.
Redstone Module
The Assembler is a block that can automatically craft items.
Dispenser Behaviours
- Add dispenser behaviour to plant seeds
- Add dispenser behaviour to feed animals for breeding
Dulce De Leche Mod Download Links
For Minecraft 1.9.4
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