What is Dungeon Crawler Mod?

Ever wanted to be that one guy that survives by using paper clips? Well fret no more! This mod may not include paper clips, but it does include just about everything you need to survive in a world without the comfort of having a home.

This mod uses a meager 13 item IDs for the 39 new items it adds. Items added include weapons, armor, weapons, traps, mines, and improvised explosives! There are also new recipes to salvage materials and make old items in new ways.

There’s a properties file that currently does nothing! If you have item ID conflicts, change the other mods’ items for now! The properties file is generated in the ‘config’ folder in your .minecraft directory.

Mod Screenshots:

New Items:


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Five new weapons:

  • Knives
  • Sharp sticks
  • Bone clubs
  • Rockshots
  • Pebbles

More of a tool than a weapon, these are created by placing one of your material of choice on top of a stick. These are the best tools for breaking crafting tables and webs. Craft them with rotten flesh to get a raw porkchop! They can also be used in some crafting recipes to make them shapeless or get more/better salvaged material (see the knife section in crafting). They will eventually be throwable.
Rule number one about survival: you need a knife.

Sharp sticks:
Can be made by crafting a stick with a knife. It’s basically a stick with the Sharpness II enchantment, but it breaks after 16 hits and cannot stack. Can be used to craft spike traps.

Bone club:
Made by crafting a bone on another bone or by a bone with a knife. Weaker than a wooden sword, but lasts longer and is good at squishing bugs.

Ever wished you could use those stacks of cobblestone in some way? Shoot them at stuff! Craft any valid block with gunpowder and a rockshot and fire away! Needless to say, you’ll need to recraft after every shot. Valid blocks/items:

cobblestone, dirt, torch, redstone torch, gravel, sand, netherrack, arrow, fire charge, TNT, soul sand, mossy cobblestone, glowstone, stone brick, iron block, smooth stone, grass

This one is really fun in creative mode.

Craft a block of gravel, get pebbles, throw pebbles. Crafting with a knife yields more pebbles. Each pebble is effectively a snowball, except it actually deals one damage (half a heart).


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One new armor set:
* Bone armor

One new armor ingredient:
* Chain links

Bone armor:
Armor made from bones. Less protective overall than leather, but has Projectile Protection I.

Chainmail armor:
Want armor better than leather or bone, but only have a little iron? Each iron ingot can be crafted into three chain links, which can be used to craft chainmail armor.

Leather armor:
Rotten flesh and cooked meat can be smelted into leather, just make sure you don’t starve yourself!


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Three types of bomb:

  • Improvised
  •  Fire
  • End

All bombs come in three sizes – small, standard, and large. Crafting two of the smaller size together makes the larger, and crafting one of the larger size makes two of the smaller.
Crafting a bomb with a pressure plate on top results in the mine counterpart of the bomb.

Your standard explosive. The medium size is crafted by a string above two gunpowder (like an upside-down sword). All bombs are considered improvised, but these are the only ones that get the title.

These are the same as standard improvised bombs, only fiery. Crafted by a string on gunpowder on blaze powder.

These (sort of) teleport entities in the blast radius. Crafted by a string on gunpowder on an ender pearl.


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Four types of mine:

  • Improvised
  • Fire
  • End
  • Gas

These can be placed in the world and will detonate when hit, touched, or even just shaken a bit too hard. They can be disarmed by right-clicking them with shears or a knife.
All mines have a one-time trigger effect and are then gone forever, but can be placed quickly and easily.

Your standard explosive. Crafted by a pressure plate on an imp bomb of any size.

These are the same as standard improvised mines, only fiery. Crafted by a pressure plate on a fire bomb of any size.

These (sort of) teleport entities in the blast radius. Crafted by a pressure plate on an end bomb of any size.

These explode into a cloud of choking gas. The cloud lingers for ten seconds and, obviously, impairs vision and suffocates entities nearby.


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Six types of trap:

  • Spike
  • Poison
  • Fire
  • End
  • Launcher
  • Crippling

These can be placed in the world by holding down the right mouse button on a block and will trigger when walked on. They can be disarmed by right-clicking them with shears or a knife.
All traps must be reset by right-clicking them (with anything) each time they are triggered before they can be triggered again.
In the trap pictures, the trap on the left is set, and the trap on the right has been triggered.


Your standard trap. Deals damage and gives mobs a little bump.


The poison trap is a spike trap, but with poison on it! Yay?


This trap sets the ground around it on fire when triggered!


Contrary to popular belief, the end trap does not end you, it just teleports you somewhere random, which might end you. (Doesn’t work on players currently.)


Known in some nations as the “piston trap”, the launcher trap throws entities into the sky! Twelve blocks into the sky, to be exact.


This is obviously not what the trap will look like when it is finished.
Based on a trap made for the mythical creature “bear”, the crippling trap really hurts the ankles of whatever is unlucky enough to step on it.

Mod Recipes:

New Recipes:

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All knives, swords, axes, pickaxes, shovels, bows, arrows, arrows, torches, and fishing rods may be crafted with bones instead of sticks.


Knife crafting:

(All shapeless!)

Sharp stick:

Bone club:

Imp bomb:

Fire bomb:

End bomb:

Large imp bomb:

Pebble x 6:

Stick x 2:
(to make sticks with only one block of planks)

Raw pork:

Arrow x 4:
(a bone can be used instead of the stick)

Wooden sword:
(a bone can be used instead of the stick)

Stone sword:
(a bone can be used instead of the stick)

(a bone can be used instead of the stick)

(a bone can be used instead of the stick)

Loaded rockshot:
(shapeless, any ammo)

cobblestone, dirt, torch, redstone torch, gravel, sand, netherrack, arrow, fire charge, TNT, soul sand, mossy cobblestone, glowstone, stone brick, iron block, smooth stone, grass

Chain links:
(only used to craft chainmail armor)

Chainmail armor:
(crafted like any other armor, only helmet shown)

Bone armor:
(crafted like any other armor, only helmet shown)

Imp bomb:

Fire bomb:

End bomb:

Smaller bomb x 2:
(any standard- or large-sized bomb)

Bigger bomb:
(any two standard- or small-sized bombs)

(any pressure plate, any bomb)

Gas mine:
(any pressure plate)

Spike trap:

Poison trap:

Fire trap:
(any pressure plate, coal or charcoal)

Launcher trap:
(any pressure plate)

End trap:
(any pressure plate)

Crippling trap:
(stone pressure plate only)



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Many items can now be salvaged into some of the materials used to craft them. In general, these recipes include a single ingredient.
Wood and food salvage recipes (and a couple special recipes) can also optionally include a knife – this will roughly double the amount salvaged or provide different/better materials.

special stick recipes
(from saplings, knife recipe is shapeless)

(from cacti, knife recipe is shapeless)

yield – salvage materials
1 – ladder
2 – fence
4 – painting

yield – salvage materials
1 – wooden slab x 2, wooden stairs, wooden pressure plate, fence gate
2 – crafting table, bed, piston, trapdoor
3 – wooden door, boat
4 – chest, note block, jukebox

yield – salvage materials
1 – stone pressure plate, cobblestone stairs, mossy cobblestone
4 – furnace

yield – salvage materials
1 – stone brick

Stone bricks:
yield – salvage materials
1 – mossy stone brick, cracked stone brick, stone brick stairs

yield – salvage materials
3 – iron door

yield – salvage materials
1 – redstone torch
3 – redstone repeater



(snow, same as breaking placed snow with a shovel)

(melons, breaking a placed melon will average 5 slices)

(clay, same as breaking placed clay)

(bookshelves, same as breaking placed bookshelves)

(wool, color doesn’t matter)



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Any cooked meat (or rotten flesh) can be smelted into leather.

So you don’t have to place/break gravel a million times.

How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • If one does not exist you can create one.
  • Enjoy the mod.



  • Updated to Minecraft 1.6.4 and 1.6.2

Dungeon Crawler Mod Download Links

For 1.6.4/1.6.2


For Minecraft 1.5.2


Other Versions:

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