Dynamic Lights Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) simply makes Minecraft’s night become lighter. The main features are:

  • Supported Items (will emit light by using the light block): Torches, Lanterns, Campfires, Glowstone, Glowstone Dust, Blaze Rods, Blaze Powder, Spectral Arrows, Lava Buckets, Sea Lanterns, Prismarine Crystals, Froglights, Glow Ink Sacs, Glow Berries, Glow Item Frames, Glow Lichen, Jack o’Lanterns, Shroomlights, End Rods, End Crystals, Fire Charge, Amethyst Shards, Nether Stars, Ender Chests and Beacons.
  • Always glowing entities: Allays, Glow Squids, Glow Item Frames, Blazes, TNT, End Crystals, Fireballs, Spectral Arrows, Shulker Bullets, Firework Rockets and Flying Wither Skulls.




How to install:

Dynamic Lights Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.20.6, 1.20.4, 1.20.1

16x: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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