EaglerForge Old Mods (1.8.8) – Using for Eaglercraft
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February 5, 2025
EaglerForge Old Mods (1.8.8) are mods designed for EaglerForge, a modding tool or framework used to modify Eaglercraft a web-based version of Minecraft that runs in a browser. These mods allow players to customize their gameplay experience, similar to how Forge mods work for regular Minecraft.
List of Mods:
- Burmod: Client for eaglerforge
- StatsHud: An all-new StatsHud, soon to be updated with customization functionality!
- FreshEaglerUI: Makes the UIs slide in and re works the main screen!
- Chat commands mod: An open source mod with a built in customizable bug reports system!
- SemiAutoLogin: Press L to login without typing!
- Blur: Makes your fps 5 when unfocused!
- Jetpack: Allows you to fly as if you had a jetpack. Keybind (hold): H
- Barney’s Music Mod: Plays a users music through a direct mp3 link. Saves music through Local Browser storage.
- Blink: Use by typing the .blinkon and .blinkoff commands and sending it
- GrappleHook: Grappling hook mod.
- Xray: Simple xray mod. Its recommended to use this with Fullbright (modified version of ZXMushroom63’s coal xray). Keybind: x
- Fullbright: full bright mod for eaglerforge. Keybind (enabled by default): F
- Autoclicker: this mod clicks for you.
- Speed Mod: makes you faster.
- Chat Shortcuts: shortcuts: {health}, {pos}, {name}, {me}, {x}, {y}, {z}, {level}, {walked}, {chunk}
- NoFall: makes you not take fall damage.
- AutoFish: fishes for you. just throw a fishing rod in water to use this mod
- JEI: Just Enough Items, but Eagler!
- Auto Respawn: Eagler Autorespawning!
- Jump Boost: Permanent Jumpboost!
- PlayerVision: See other players in your Eaglerforge servers!
- EaglerHomes: This is a Positioning system that lets you set homes and teleport to homes. Commands: {sethome}, {home}, {EGHomesHelp}
- And many more…
Java 11+
EaglerForge Old Mods (1.8.8) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.8.8
Unzip file: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
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