Ender Eye-Fi Mod
The sole purpose of this mod is to create an easier, less cluttered method of sending redstone signals through large distances.
4 new Repeater types: an ender powered repeater, 2 signal converters to convert redstone signals to and from ender signals, and a modified redstone repeater sharing its ender counterparts ability to redirect signals.
Ender Repeaters work similar to redstone repeaters with the added feature of sending signals without the need for redstone dust. Ender Repeaters can send unobstructed signals up to 15 blocks away. Ender signals cannot be used to power redstone mechanisms (e.g. doors, trapdoors, etc.).
Signal repeaters
Repeats a signal of the same kind
- RR – Redstone to redstone
- EE – Ender to ender
Signal converters
Converts a signal
- RE – Redstone to ender
- ER – Ender to redstone
Signal Transmission/Reception
(Top left) RR Repeater, (Top right) RE Converter, (Botem left) EE Repeater, (Bottom right) ER Converter
Repeaters may only receive and transmit signals of the same kind.That is, an EE Repeater may only receive a signal from other EE or RE Repeaters, and transmit a signal to other EE or ER Repeaters; and an RR Repeater may only receive a signal from other RR or ER Repeaters, and transmit a signal to other RR or RE Repeaters.
- RR > RR or RE
- EE > EE or ER
Converters may only receive a signal of one kind and transmit a signal of the other kind. That is, an RE Repeater may only receive a signal from RR or ER Repeaters, and transmit a signal to EE or ER Repeaters; and an ER Repeater may only receive a signal from EE or RE Repeaters, and transmit a signal to RR or RE Repeaters.
- RE > ER or EE
- ER > RE or RR
Signal Redirection
(Top left) RR Repeater, (Top right) RE Converter, (Botem left) EE Repeater, (Bottom right) ER Converter
All Repeaters are capable of redirecting its signal in three ways (left, straight, right). Shift + right click a Repeater while not holding an item to change the output direction.
Signal Casters:
EE Signal Caster
RE Signal Caster
ER Signal Caster
Signal Casters are similar to Repeaters in that they can transport and convert signals in the same way Repeaters do. Signal Casters are meant only to transport signals.
Unlike Repeaters, Signal Casters cannot be locked but will still block any incoming signals from passing regardless of its orientation. Signal Casters are considered full blocks therefore do not require a solid block underneath to stay. Signal Casters cannot change delay unlike its Repeater counterparts but instead has a fixed 1 tick delay.
More than the Repeaters, Signal Casters feature a 6-sided input/output redirection function and can be pushed or pulled by pistons.
- Right click a Signal Caster to change the output direction.
- Shift + right click a Signal Caster while not holding an item to change the input direction.
Signal Caster Eye
The Signal Caster Eye is a special Caster block that constantly emits an ender signal in all 6 directions.
Crafting Recipes:
Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod
EE Repeater
RR Repeater
RE Repeater
ER/RE Repeater
EE Caster
RE Caster
ER Caster
ER/RE Caster
Caster Eye
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download the mod.
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
- If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
- Enjoy the mod.
Download Links
For Minecraft 1.8