Enderman Evolution Mod 1.12.2 is a small mod with stuffs relating to Enderman as a species.

Enderman Evolution Mod


  • Evolved Enderman: These Enderman have evolved to the point that they can walk in water and spawn during the day with no negative consequences.
  • Frienderman: Frienderman are friendly Enderman that can do various things to help you. If you tame one using a Friender Pearl (random chance), you will be able to set it’s mode to Follow or Idle. Your tamed Frienderman will protect you (much like a tamed wolf) when you are attacked. You can also hand your tamed Frienderman a chest (EnderStorage, IronChests, and Vanilla currently supported) that it will carry and pick up nearby items when they drop.


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Minecraft Forge

p455w0rds Library

CodeChickenLib Mod

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For Minecraft 1.12.2

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