Escape from Steamcity Map 1.12.2 for Minecraft
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June 18, 2022
Escape from Steamcity is an adventure map that was created by SeriousCraft. This is a steampunk adventure map that takes place in the dried anti-utopian world. You will play as a citizen of SteamCity, and you have to escape this place. You will face to face different obstacles on your way: puzzles, enemies, parkour, and more! Solve, avoid, or kill all obstacles on your way to target! Besides the uniquely exciting theme, the map also offers additional gripping features like custom resource pack, multiplayer support, and OptiFine/Shaders support. What are you waiting for? Let’s dive into this resourceful steamroll!
- Please do not play on any other version or it may not work!
- You should set Render Distance to 12 or upper.
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Minecraft Maps
Escape from Steamcity Map Download Links
For Minecraft 1.12.x
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