ExCreate: Mechanics Addon (1.20, 1.19) is a port of Create Mod, only this is an unusual addon because here it will be fun not only for those who love mechanisms but also for those who love battles, weapons, and bosses, you will definitely not be bored. The author has tweaked this mod a bit, you’ll find out why later. And that’s why he called this addon ExCreate, although it’s actually an alias because the real name of the mod is Mechanics.



Blaze’s power generator

In your survival, you will probably only use this generator, as it is the easiest to get. To get it, you need to hold the basic of the power generator in the blaze, or right-click.

To activate it, you need the following items:

  • Coal (kindled)
  • Charcoal (kindled)
  • Block of coal (kindled)
  • Blaze rod (kindled)
  • Fireball (kindled)
  • Seething blaze rod (seething)
  • Seething fireball (seething)
  • Blaze cake (seething)

The generator is activated not forever, but for a certain time. A seething generator runs longer than a kindled one.

And you may ask: why did the author make an unrealistic energy generator, instead of the same water wheel? And the thing is that no matter what the energy source is, it will give endless energy, that is, one water wheel could fill hundreds of factories! But generators are not cheap to craft, and therefore they serve as a source of infinite energy. Until he find a way to limit the energy, the generators will remain in the addon, and they will not be replaced by a water wheel.

Ender’s power generator

The principle is the same as that of the blaze’s power generator, only to get it, you need to click on the basis of the power generator with the Ender star, which falls from the Ender Dragon.

To activate it, you need:

  • Ender pearl
  • Ender eye
  • Dragon breath

This generator is better than the blaze’s power generator because Ender’s power generator is activated for 10 minutes, unlike the blaze’s power generator.

It was the last source of energy.


The depot is needed in order to put certain items on it for one of the mechanisms.

Table for mechanical press

Similar mechanics to the depot, only it has other items and a different mechanism.


Liquids can be poured into the basin. In addition, you can also put certain items in it, but only in a certain amount. This is also necessary for certain two mechanisms.


It replaces the depot and the table of mechanical press, and it is also able to move entities when it is activated.

  • Requires energy.


An auxiliary mechanism capable of moving energy in a certain direction.

  • Requires energy


Transmits energy in all directions, even down and up.

  • Requires energy

Blaze burner

A useful auxiliary mechanism that allows you to heat the basin to melt the ingredients. Also, this mechanism can be used for decorative purposes. In order to get it, you need to hold the empty blaze burner in blaze, or press the right-click.

To activate it, you need the same items as for the blaze’s power generator, namely:

  • Coal (kindled)
  • Charcoal (kindled)
  • Block of coal (kindled)
  • Blaze rod (kindled)
  • Fireball (kindled)
  • Seething blaze rod (seething)
  • Seething fireball (seething)
  • Blaze cake (seething)


This mechanism is used to automatically unload items from containers. It is desirable to use it in factories.


Mechanical press

This mechanism is used for the initial stage, because, without it, it will be impossible to create other mechanisms. With its help, you can press materials, turning them into sheets that can be used in crafting. In the future, it will interact with the basin so that factories can be created..

For its operation, a power generator and a table for the mechanical press are needed, the power generator is connected to the shaft, and the table for the mechanical press is placed 2 blocks lower, that is, on the –2nd block.

Items that the machine can press:

  • Iron ingot —-> iron sheet
  • Gold ingot —-> golden sheet
  • Diamond —-> diamond sheet
  • Copper ingot —-> copper sheet
  • Lapis block —-> lapis sheet
  • Blue golden ingot —-> blue golden sheet

  • Requires energy
  • Requires table for mechanical press

Mechanical mixer

This mechanism is needed in order to mix certain ingredients in the presence or absence of heating.

It needs an energy source and a basin to work. The basin is 2 blocks lower, and the energy source is connected to the shaft.

With it, there are 3 new craftings:

  • Dough + lime dye = slime x2 |
  • Iron ingot + gold ingot = blue golden ingot x2 | Requires heating (kindled)
  • Glowstone dust x3 + powdered obsidian x3 + polished rose quartz = chromatic compound | Requires heating (seething)

You must put the items in order, that is, as shown above. But, the author will try to remove this feature soon. You can’t create factories with it yet, but soon, there will be such an opportunity to!

  • Requires energy
  • Requires basin


A mechanism that allows you to pour certain liquids into certain objects in a certain amount.

For his work, it is necessary to put a basin over him, and put a depot 2 blocks below.

Here are all his crafts:

  • Bucket + 3/3 of water = bucket of water
  • Bucket + 3/3 of lava = bucket of lava
  • Bucket + 3/3 milk = bucket of milk
  • Bottle + 1/3 of water = bottle of water
  • Land + 3/3 water = grass block
  • Blaze cake base + 1/3 lava = blaze cake
  • Requires depot
  • Requires basin

Crushing table

With this mechanism, you will be able to crush objects, thereby getting new items in large quantities! This mechanism can partially replace the stone cutter, but it is still far from the crushing table!

The crushing table can crush the following items:

  • Wheat —> Flour x2, flour x1 (50%), wheat seeds (50%)
  • Sugar cane —> Sugar x3
  • Blaze rod —> Blaze powder x3
  • Seething blaze rod —> Seething blaze powder x3
  • Bone —> Bone meal x4, bone meal x2 (25%)
  • Gravel —> Sand
  • Cobblestone —> Gravel
  • Cactus —> Green dye x2
  • Netherrack —> Cinder flour
  • Iron ore | Raw iron —> Crushed iron x2, crushed iron (50%), pebble (50%)
  • Gold ore | Raw gold —> Crushed gold x2, crushed gold (50%), pebble (50%)
  • Diamond ore —> Diamond x2, diamond (50%), pebble (50%)
  • Obsidian | Crying obsidian —> Powdered obsidian, obsidian (75%), explosive gravitation (25%)
  • Ancient debris —> Netherite scrap x2

Mechanical crafter

This mechanism is used to craft various complex items. Its huge disadvantage is that you can’t create factories with it. Yes, until Mojang adds the ability to use the /clear and /give commands on entities, this mechanism will be manual (by default, these 2 commands can only be used on players).

So, how to work with it: it has its own UI. To do this, you need to hover over this block from above.

Crafting rules (while there is a problem with the teams): you have to put the items in the right amount (the form is optional). Otherwise, he won’t craft. The author could remove this function, but from this, the mechanical crafter will DESTROY unnecessary items.

Possible crafts:

  • Golden sheet x3 + gearbox x3 + crafting table x6 + andesite casing x3 + iron block = Precision mechanism
  • Catapult bucket + leash x4 + planks x128 + iron ingot x12 = Smart catapult In developing
  • Precision mechanism x4 + iron block x5 + iron ingot x6 + planks x256 + string + flint and steel = Smart cannon

Well, we’re done with the mechanisms, now let’s move on to the items!



Bundles are needed in order to store certain items in the amount of 8 pieces. There are 4 types of bundle in total: bundles with fish (4 types), a bundle with explosive (chain, at the time of adding the author didn’t fumble that each bomb was explosive) bombs, a regular bundles, a bundle with explosive gravitation, a bundle with dynamite gauntlets and a bundle with a cannonball. There is also a large bundle in which you can store items (not working at the moment)


The most interesting weapons:

From left to right:

  • 1. Energy Shield: Makes you immortal for 5 seconds. Crafted in the middle stages
  • 2. Explosive (Chain) Bomb gun and Explosive Bomb: Requires the bomb itself and gunpowder to fire. The weapon is needed in order to shoot far and to make the explosion a little stronger. The bomb is crafted in the initial stages, and weapons in the middle
  • 3. Fish gun: Shoots fish in priority order, from weak to strong. All fish except fugu slow down enemies. They can also stay on the ground and slow down. Crafted in the early stages.
  • 4. Meteoritic rain: Fires explosive gravitation that attracts meteorites of 3 different sizes. Crafted in the middle stages
  • 5. Enchanted Explosive Bomb gun: Much improved. Crafted in the middle and end stages
  • 6. Steel Ball and Magnet: Throw a steel ball, then pull it with a magnet. Crafted in the final stages.
  • 7. Potato Cannons: Wooden, Iron, and Gold: Pure counter for those mobs that don’t get knocked back. Has a chance to stay on the ground and deal 1 damage per second.
  • 8. Red Shield: Stops all projectiles for a while. Crafted in the middle and final stages.
  • 9. Sinister Staff: Fires injections that give the effect of cumulative poisoning and scientists’ anger. It turns out in the final stages.
  • 10. Clone Maker: Creates 8 clones around you that have a lot of HP and disappear after half a minute. Crafted in the middle stages.
  • 11. Dynamite Gauntlet Mechanism: Fires a gauntlet that explodes for a total of 10 to 40 damage. To shoot, you need to have dynamite gloves in your inventory. Crafted in the early and mid stages.


Mobs are divided into difficulty levels, the higher the difficulty, the more points are given on the scoreboard, and the greater the chance of boxes falling out of the mobs. There are some mobs-exceptions. 1-peaceful, 2-normal hostile, 3-hard hostile, 4-semi-boss/very strong.

Angry snowman:

  • Health: 16
  • Attack: ranged
  • Projectile: iceball
  • Damage: 4
  • Interval: 40 ticks
  • Feature: the ball freezes for 30 ticks
  • Difficulty level: 3
  • Target to attack: player, iron Golem
  • Spawn: snow biomes

Crazy chicken:

Chicken adult:

  • Health: 16
  • Attack: ranged
  • Projectile: crazy egg
  • Damage: 1
  • Interval: 40 ticks
  • Feature: a chick can hatch from an egg; dig when an enemy approaches or if it’s morning; can be cured with a Potion of Weakness and Golden Seeds; able to control the minds of some mobs
  • Difficulty level: 2
  • Target to attack: zombie, player, all peaceful and neutral, warden
  • Spawn: wherever possible

Baby chicken:

  • Health: 10
  • Attack: melee
  • Damage: 1
  • Interval: 10 тиков
  • Feature: digs in if it’s morning; a baby crazy zombie sits on it; able to control the minds of some mobs
  • Difficulty level: 1
  • Target to attack: zombie, player, all peaceful and neutral, warden
  • Spawn: wherever possible, from crazy egg

Crazy Zombie:

Zombie adult:

  • Health: 30
  • Attack: ranged (mobs)
  • Projectile: baby zombie
  • Interval: 140 ticks
  • Feature: digs when an enemy approaches or if it’s morning; able to control the minds of some mobs
  • Difficulty level: 3
  • Target to attack: zombie, player, all peaceful and neutral, warden
  • Spawn: wherever possible

Baby zombie:

  • Health: 15
  • Attack: melee
  • Damage: 3
  • Interval: Default
  • Feature: digs if morning; is a rider; able to control the minds of some mobs
  • Difficulty level: 1
  • Target to attack: zombie, player, all peaceful and neutral, warden
  • Spawn: wherever possible

Seething blaze:

  • Health: 36
  • Attack: ranged and melee
  • Projectile: seething fireball
  • Projectile damage: 15
  • Ranged attack interval: 40-80 ticks
  • Projectiles amount: 5
  • Melee attack damage: 15
  • Feature: arson, drains the area around, does not take damage from rain, turns into a regular Blaze when extinguished
  • Difficulty level: 3
  • Target to attack: player, iron Golem
  • Spawn: nether fortress, you can get it by feeding Blaze with Blaze cake


Default (in the middle):

  • Health: 26
  • Attack: ranged and melee
  • Projectile: explosive bomb
  • Projectile damage: up to 30+
  • Ranger attack interval: 60-100 ticks
  • Melee attack damage: 14
  • Feature: can summon a cannon
  • Difficulty level: 3
  • Spawn chance: 2
  • Target to attack: player, iron golem, villagers
  • Spawn: can be spawned along with the pillager; may be a member of a dangerous raid


  • Health: 26
  • Attack: ranged
  • Projectile: fish
  • Damage: cod – 5, salmon – 8, perch – 9, pufferfish – 10 (poison up to 5+)
  • Interval: 40-60 ticks
  • Feature: runs away if the target is close; slow down or poison
  • Difficulty level: 3
  • Spawn chance: 3
  • Target to attack: player, iron golem, villagers
  • Spawn: can be spawned along with the pillager; may be a member of a dangerous raid


  • Health: 26
  • Attack: ranged
  • Projectile: meteorite
  • Damage: up to 50+
  • Interval: 60-100 ticks
  • Feature: runs away very quickly if the target is close; destroys and sets fire to the landscape
  • Difficulty level: 3
  • Spawn chance: 1
  • Target to attack: player, iron golem, villagers
  • Spawn: can be spawned along with the pillager; may be a member of a dangerous raid

Pillagers’ catapult:

  • Health: 50
  • Attack: ranged
  • Projectile: catapult’s projectile
  • Damage: stone – 18-25, magma – 25-33 +arson, iron – 35-40
  • Interval: 47,5 ticks (first shot), 95 ticks
  • Feature: arson; not repelled; artillery
  • Difficulty level: 3
  • Target to attack: player, iron golem, villagers
  • Spawn: can be spawned along with the pillager; may be a member of a dangerous raid

Pillagers’ cannon:

  • Health: 100
  • Attack: ranged
  • Projectile: explosive bomb, cannonball
  • Damage: explosive bomb – up to 50+, cannonball – 10-60 (explosive 10-20)
  • Interval: 60 ticks (first shot), 120 ticks
  • Feature: the destruction of blocks by the cannonball; not repelled; artillery
  • Difficulty level: 4
  • Target to attack: player, iron golem, villagers
  • Spawn: can be spawned along with the bombardier; may be a member of a dangerous raid

Piglins’ cannon:

  • Health: 100
  • Attack: ranged
  • Projectile: Golden cannonball
  • Damage: 20-55 (explosive 10-20)
  • Interval: 60 ticks (first shot), 120 ticks
  • Feature: not repelled; artillery
  • Difficulty level: 4
  • Target to attack: player, iron golem, wither skeleton, wither, hoglin
  • Spawn: can be spawned with a piglin

Smart cannon:

  • Health: 100
  • Attack: ranged and melee
  • Projectile: explosive bomb, cannonball
  • Damage: explosive bomb – up to 50+, cannonball – 40-60 (explosive 10-20)
  • Interval: 60 ticks (first shot), 120 ticks, melee – 20 ticks (first shot), 40 ticks
  • Peculiarity: the destruction of blocks by the cannonball; customizable by the owner; bundles are used for filling; not repelled; artillery
  • Target to attack: the player himself sets up whom to attack

Crazy scientist’s cannon:

  • Health: 250
  • Attack: ranged and melee
  • Projectile: explosive bomb (will be replaced with a sinister skull)
  • Projectile damage: up to 75+
  • Ranged attack interval: 50 ticks (first shot), 100 ticks, 20 ticks (after knockback attack)
  • Melee attack damage: 10 (area), 19 knockback
  • Feature: destroys blocks around; not repelled, artillery, soul artillery
  • Difficulty level: 4.7
  • Target to attack: zombie, player, all peaceful and neutral, warden
  • Spawn: may be a member of a dangerous raid, a crazy scientist

Dangerous raid:

  • Type: boss
  • Health: 10 waves
  • Attack: mobs
  • Feature: raid
  • Difficulty level: 5
  • Target to attack: villagers
  • Known Bugs: may end up with a bug causing
  • Spawn: a player with a dangerous bad omen in the village


  1. 2 pillagers, 2 vindicators, 2 bombardier
  2. 6 bombardiers, 2 ravagers
  3. 1 evoker, 3 witches, 1 catapult, 4 bombardiers, 3 vindicators
  4. 5 bombardiers, 4 pillagers, 2 ravagers, 2 catapults, 1 evoker, and 1 cannon
  5. 10 bombardiers, 2 evokers, 3 catapults
  6. 1 cannon, 2 catapults, 5 vindicators, 4 witches, 6 pillagers, 2 ravagers
  7. 1 cannon, 3 catapults, 3 ravagers, 3 vindicators, 11 bombardiers
  8. 4 evokers, 2 catapults, 15 bombardiers
  9. 2 cannons, 7 witches, 3 catapults, 16 bombardiers
  10. 7 Evokers, 15 bombardiers, 9 Pillagers, 10 Vindicators, 4 Revegers, 1 Crazy Scientist’s Cannon, 4 Cannons, 7 Catapults, 7 Witches

Crazy scientist:

  • Type: boss
  • Feature: I’m too lazy, find out all the characteristics yourself, his summon egg is still available in creative, YET it does not spawn naturally

That’s all! Remember, this is still a beta version, and it will be updated for sure!

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

ExCreate: Mechanics Addon (1.20, 1.19) Download Links

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