Experienced Trading Map (1.19) is a map for Minecraft PE that challenges you to survive in a flat world with limited resources. You have to trade your experience points with villagers to get items and blocks. This card offers a unique challenge, similar to skyblock cards, one block, and others. The twist is that you need to trade your experience points to progress.



First – forester (0 0)

  • He sells oak and dark oak for a different amount of experience, giving by the way a bone in addition, which will facilitate the task of obtaining bones

Second – mason (-50 -50)

  • Russian meme: “I AM A MASON, I WORK 3 DAYS…”
  • This merchant has a cobblestone generator and 10 bricks as a commodity. This store will also come in handy in the middle stages (up to the nether) since it is from him that you can get lava.

Third – miner (100 100)

Sells ores, appreciate it.

  • Iron – 5 xp
  • Gold – 5 xp
  • Lapis lazuli – 6 xp
  • Redstone – 4 xp
  • Diamond – 15 xp
  • Emerald – 10 xp

Fourth – traveler (-150 -150)

“Improved Wandering Trader”. But it’s true.

  • Wolf – 5 xp
  • Parrot – 3 xp
  • Bonfire – 4 xp
  • Chest of a sunken ship – 15 xp (1 type)
  • Bee nest + 2 bees – 5 xp
  • Sand 3 – 3 xp

Fifth – portals (-100 -100)

  • Nether portal – 20 xp
  • Ender portal – 30 xp

Sixth – generators (300 300)

A merchant who sells incredibly expensive but profitable items.

  • Iron – 50 xp (1 material is generated every 5 minutes)
  • Golden – 50 xp (1 material is generated every 10 minutes)
  • Diamond – 150 xp (1 material is generated every 20 minutes)

The main thing – do not break the central block, please.


Mob spawn

Enderman, witches, and patrols are guaranteed to spawn around the spawn frequently. True, when the author created the map, he was not well versed in modding, and therefore the members of the patrol will not follow each other. If anything, the Minecraft patrol and my patrol can also be distinguished by the fact that there is a ravager in my patrol


in the nether, when you enter, you will see some bedrock structures. On the right you can find a nether fortress for 10 gold, on the left you can get a super gift for a nether star, and on the left there is a block cloner, to clone 1 block, you need 1 wither skeleton skull, but chests cannot be cloned. To the right, in the continuation of the cave, there is an exit and a small nether fortress, where wither skeletons spawn.


in the ender, after killing the dragon, an egg spawns (have time to pick it up), and a chest with interesting contents appears


You will have a book with tasks, help for tasks, and a book to record the result in a bonus chest. There are 2 of them all, so that you have a spare in case of emergency.

Tasks, as you probably guessed, do not need to be done in order, it will be difficult or impossible for you if you do otherwise

Tasks List:

  1. Build a house
  2. Make a cobblestone generator
  3. make a tree farm out of 10 trees
  4. Make an animal farm: cows, chickens, pigs, donkeys, horses, sheep
  5. get 5 iron
  6. Make a plant farm: wheat, melon, pumpkin, beetroot: wandering trader will help you
  7. Make 7 slime blocks
  8. get a dog and a parrot
  9. Make the nether portal (to complicate this task, you can try to create a portal to hell without a portal seller)
  10. Get 20 gold ingots
  11. make a barter with the piglin by giving 20 gold
  12. Tame the cat
  13. Create the village
  14. Win the raid
  15. Find the skeleton-horse
  16. Make the enchanting table
  17. Create a mob farm
  18. Make 32 glass panels
  19. Get 10 red sands: wandering trader will help you
  20. Get 10 podzols: wandering trader will help you
  21. make an endless source of water
  22. Make a lake 10 by 10 blocks
  23. Clone a block with block cloner
  24. Kill the wither
  25. Get a cool gift by giving the nether star
  26. Make and activate the conduit
  27. Create a hoglin farm
  28. Get 15 ink bags
  29. Get 5 lime dyes: wandering trader will help you
  30. Create a monster trap with redstone
  31. Make a diamond armor
  32. Get all possible mob heads
  33. Get the elytra
  34. Create a chorus farm
  35. Create or get 64 purple blocks
  36. Craft 10 shulker boxes
  37. Craft 3 netherite blocks
  38. Create a crimson fungus farm
  39. Create a warped fungus farm
  40. Enchant armor and weapons
  41. Create a 2-level beacon
  42. Craft an archer table
  43. Kill 3 ender dragons
  44. Die by llama
  45. Create a caravan of 10 llamas
  46. Get 10 totems of undying
  47. Find the piglins’ bastion
  48. Make 8 diamond blocks
  49. Get 2 hearts of the sea
  50. Get 64 mob heads (in the task, 64 zombie heads are written on the screen, but now the author decided to make it easier)
  51. Make the cake

Too many tasks, right?

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Experienced Trading Map (1.19) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19

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