Extreme Ant Farm Map
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September 2, 2016
Here is some informations about Extreme Ant Farm Map for Minecraft Frostburn that you can need before download it.
Extreme Ant Farm Map Rules:
- On multiplayer, turn on command blocks.
- Only take achievement rewards in the center area when you have completed them.
- Don’t leave the Ant Cube until you get to that achievement.
- Don’t break the ant cube’s inner wall’s glass layer. I hate it, but it’s needed.
- Use the included texture pack so things make sense!
- Play in version 1.4.4 or newer
Map Achievements:
Rank 1
- Make an Iron Golem
- Make full Diamond Armor and Tools
- Make a base / house
- Get a Hardcore Dungeon medal on first try, without dying
Rank 2
- Make the Nether Fortress safe and loot it
- Brew a Splash Potion of Regeneration II
- Make a gunpowder farm
- Make a renewable coin source
Rank 3
- Complete the Medal Room
- Destroy all spawners on top of the Ant Cube
- Place the dragon egg on its shrine on the very top
- (Optional) Enter the Forbidden Ant Farm
Rank 4 (Forbidden Ant Farm)
- Make an Ender Chest
- •Destroy or conquer all spawners in the Forbidden Ant Farm
- Find all rogue shops
- Complete the Simmered Cave, and get the Forbidden Pickaxe.
- Complete the Withering Catacombs, and get the Forbidden Wand.
- Complete the Tomb of Demons, and get the Forbidden Blade.
- (Optional) Find the Mechanite Forge and get the Quasar Sword.
Download links for Extreme Ant Farm Map:
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