Fantasy For Minecraft Addon (1.20, 1.19) adds to the game mythological fantasy mobs such as centaurs, goblins, trolls, medusa, etc. There are also magical items such as spell books or skill scepters (summon monsters that protect the player, causing damage to enemies). If you are a lover of mythical monsters, you should not miss this addon.




  • They are very strong and resistant creatures that live in the savannah, they are not evil creatures and only attack evil monsters, they are also alcoholic people who exchange things with you in exchange for wines and beers, although they also ask you for other things, their trade is based In That’s it, centaurs have 7 skin variants and in future updates, this entity will have an improvement in its model and skin.


  • They are thin creatures to the bone but they are very strong and terrifying and they attack villagers, players, and everything that is good, they love human flesh and when they die they will release their skin and some bones.


  • They are small but dangerous, they are creatures that love gold and would not share it with anyone, they usually carry a knife and a sack full of gold things, they are small creatures but fast when running, they are solitary but when they are in a group they are stronger than an army of ghouls, you can find them in the forests and when they die they will drop some of the gold things that they carry in their bags.


  • They are creatures of great beauty and elegance, they are the guardians of the forests and do not hesitate to protect their forests if any threat is presented to them, they are very solitary people and use bows and swords, but they enjoy fighting more using their bows since they are excellent marksmen, By nature, their weapons are usually enchanted since they have a good command of magic, unlike humans.
  • Elves have 6 skin variants.


  • The minotaur is a monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man, it is a tall, burly and very strong being, its attacks are very slow but lethal, but you can dodge them without problems, what’s more, if you have good reflexes you can escape unscathed from a fight this bull.
  • The minotaur lives in a two-story labyrinth located in the desert.


  • He is a yokai and samurai expert in martial arts, they have the ability to teleport, a wide variety of attacks and they run in the style of Naruto, the tengus live in the bamboo jungles and when he dies he may give you his katana but the chances are low.

Ice golems

  • Ice golems are monsters made of ice and snow, they are very strong beings and have the ability to transform water into ice, they appear in ice biomes and when they die they release a crystal with which you can make a magical wax, although the chances of you getting that crystal are low.

Cerinean deer

  • It is a deer of the goddess Artemis, they have golden horns and bronze hooves, it is a very fast creature that appears in the forests with a very, very low probability and with an essential schedule, if you find them you can tame it and you can equip it a horse mount without problems and if it dies it will release its golden horn which is highly desired by any magical creature.


  • They are very small creatures and unable to defend themselves, you can find them in the forests and you can find their village which is full of small houses, these fairies can trade things for you.

  • You can capture these fairies in a special jar made for them and to put it in the jar you have to kill it and when it is dying you have to cast a regeneration stance on it and then use the jar to enclose it, the jar with the fairy inside will release dust of fairies all the time and after a while these fairies will run out of magic dust and die, it is a cruel but effective way to get magic dust.


  • Fairy dust is a very important element of the addon since you can create magic items.

  • You can find them in the forests and jungles, they are hostile monsters that love meat, especially rotten meat, and when you kill them they can release a seed with which you can grow it, and when they grow they no longer attack humans but monsters and animals. You can feed them with meat and a special compost for them that gives them strength and heals their wounds. This food is created in the following way:


  • It is a half-wolf, half-human creature that lives in the birch and roofed forest biomes. They are hostile and untamable creatures that when they die can release their claw that does 8 damage but cannot be enchanted as it is a piece of meat amputated from the arm of the wolf.


  • They are huge and muscular monsters, they are very strong and resistant, they live in mangroves and swamps and when they die they release pieces of their meat that you can cook and eat.


  • She is a gorgon who lives in an abandoned temple of Athena, in her past she was a priestess of Athena so beautiful that she caught the attention of the gods themselves and was the envy of Athena since people went to the temple just to see the beautiful priestess.

  • When you fight the gorgon you cannot look it in the eyes or else it will turn you into stone, but what you can do is use a pumpkin or some blindfolds that the addon comes with.

Erymanthus wild boar

  • The Erymanthus wild boar is a ferocious and aggressive beast, capable of killing anyone with its sharp and hard fangs. The Erymanthus wild boar has the ability to injure small wild boars that are just as aggressive as it. These small wild boars are very weak but the problem is The thing is that they become a quantity and it would be advisable to take lava to burn them since without that it would be almost impossible to kill the boar. Once the boar dies, it will release its horn and hair with which you can make a book of spells.


  • The Telquin is an aquatic monster with the head of a dog, the body of a man, and the tail of a fish. They attack using a trident and can last a long time out of the water.


  • It is a very strong two-headed giant that lives in a large mountain where it sleeps constantly. When you kill it, it will give you its heart with which you can make powerful armor.

Green Giant

  • The green giant is a huge creature (5 times bigger than the player), it is too resistant thanks to its thick skin, it lives on a floating island and when you kill it it will give you pieces of its skin with which you can create incredibly powerful armor. and legendary, people call it, the armor of the dead beast, since it represents the death of 2 great beasts, the green giant and the ettin.

Platinum Dragon

  • It is a dragon with resistant skin and has the ability to launch magical orbs that follow its target and after a while, it explodes. When you kill the dragon it will release its horns and thick skin.


  • She is a half-bird woman who lives mainly in rocky places. They attack using their claws and when they die they will release brown feathers with which you can make brown tite.


  • You can find humans in medieval cities and they will trade you common things, their skins are taken from the internet so you can change the skin of the pedestrians if you want for one that is to your taste, humans have 20 skin variants 10 men and 10 women.


  • They are men trained to the point of exhaustion, they are so strong that they can withstand 5 fights against zombies, and they are in charge of protecting the city from any threat.

Fish stall

Fruit stand

Meat stall




  • They are in charge of transporting people around the city, you can tame them but instead of equipping them with a mount you have to equip them with a rope.


Spell table

  • It is a magic table with which you can create a variety of magical objects, at the moment you can only make a few things on it.


  • It is used to create spell tables and will be used for other things in the future, you can get it in abandoned towers or by trading with magical beings.

Green Giant Spell Book

  • It is created with the breath of the green giant, with spell books you can create varieties of magical scepters.

Magic scepter

  • This scepter is important since with this you can create all types of scepters, the magic scepter has no ability, it is only used to create other varieties of the scepter. You have to remember the recipe to make it since it does not appear in recipe books.

Boar spell

  • It is created using the hair and horn of the Erymanthus boar and its ability is to summon a stampede of wild boars that will defend you from monsters.

Famine spell

  • This spell has already been improved and its ability is to launch a projectile that gives you a hunger effect and also generates 3 ghost ghouls that are very weak and die in a single hit, but they still do something but with enemies that deal damage in the area such as the wither is useless.

Dead Beast Armor

  • A legendary armor created from two super powerful beasts, hence its name, was made with the thick skin of the green giant, the strong heart of the ettin, and the bones of the dead.

Platinum Dragon Armor

  • This armor was created with the skin of the platinum dragon and is more resistant than the armor of the Underworld.

Fruit of power

  • This fruit gives you great power for a short period of time, you can find it in abandoned towers.

Pink Tourmaline

  • It is a precious stone which at the moment is not useful for many things, only to create its block and the armor of the dead beast.

Fairy dust

  • Sieven to create magical objects and if you eat them you will feel dizzy from the 1000 demons and you will begin to levitate.


The addon includes structure generators that allow you to encounter the structures it introduces without the need for manual searching. These blocks are scattered throughout the world to create these structures.

Installation Note:

  • Make sure you turn on the Experimental Gameplay.

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Fantasy For Minecraft Addon (1.20, 1.19) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20, 1.19

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