Fernanfloo Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10
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January 5, 2017
Fernanfloo Mod 1.7.10 is based on the Youtuber Fernanfloo. This mod adds a ore, armor, tools and your dog Curly!
How to:
- To begin we must find the Fernanfloo ore and mining it to obtain the Fernanfloo gem. With this gem next to some blaze sticks we will be able to elaborate the tools (Sword, Peak, Ax and Shovel).
- To be able to do the armor will not be enough with just the gems, we also need the “tear of Fernanfloo” that is achieved by killing Fernanfloo himself, this spawn all over the world.
- Now with the gems Fernanfloo and 4 tears of Fernanfloo we can do in the crafting table the full armor.
- Then we have Curly, a small dog that is also going to spawn around the world and that we can reproduce with tears of Fernanfloo. Curly also allows us to ride on top of him and be able to travel faster.
How to install:
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For Minecraft 1.7.10
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