Fishing Made Better Mod (1.12.2) adds new realistic fishing mechanisms as well as a full fishing minigame.

In order to complete the fishing minigame you must balance your line’s tension while reeling the fish in, not allowing the fish to get too far away or take too long otherwise you can lose the fish. The minigame will also change appearance based on where you are fishing, such as biome, dimension, Y-level, and the liquid you are fishing in.

Other mechanics include fish habitats and fish behavior. Fish behavior can be complex and is based on different stats unique to each fish. Fish now require specific habitats to live and be caught in, such as only living in certain liquids (Water, Lava, Void), only at certain Y-levels (Cave fish), biomes, as well as only being active under certain conditions, such as light level, weather, or fishing depth.

Populations are now also based on more realistic mechanics, where each chunk only has a limited amount of fish and if you overfish a specific location, they can go extinct there. Fish can reproduce in a chunk when given sufficient food (From the bait box).

By putting a living fish in a water bucket, you can transfer fish to new locations and setup fish hatcheries in order to breed specific fish (Ex for good food, specific scale type, etc.)

All fish have different customizable characteristics, such as how long they will stay on the hook, their weight, their habitat, feeding conditions, average population, rarity, bait type, whether they can be scaled and what scaling them will output, whether they can be sliced up and what slicing will output, etc.

The different types of fish, as well as all their related stats is all config-driven. You can define any modded fish you want in the config files, and then find them in-game based on the settings you give them. By default, configs for all the vanilla fish, as well as configs for all the Aquaculture fish are setup and will auto-generate upon first loading FMB given you have the accompanying mod installed.

The goal of this mod is to improve the vanilla fishing by making the mechanism a bit more detailed and complex, while being more rewarding and requiring more research about the fishing ecosystem. It is highly compatible with any other fish mods allowing you to create and load custom configs for different mods.


Fishing Mechanics:

  • Like in vanilla, you cast your rod out and wait for a fish to bite. Depending on the environment and fish populations in the area, it can more or less time for a fish to bite at your hook. You may also simply not be able to fish in an area if it is too shallow or there are no fish currently feeding in the area.
  • Unlike vanilla, once a fish bites your hook the fishing minigame starts. You will see a HUD at the top of your screen, with a green bar representing the balance of your line’s tension, and a small fish representing the fish you are trying to catch moving around and changing the tension. You will need to balance the tension bar over the fish (Default keys: Left and Right arrow) in order to reel in the fish, otherwise the fish can escape. The time it takes to reel in the fish, how fast the fish escapes, and how deep the fish is varies based on each type of fish you can catch. Baiting your hook will also help with catching fish based on what types of bait those fish prefer.
  • The different types of attachments you can put on your rod change what types of liquids you can fish in, modifiers for making catching fish easier/faster, and change stats about fish you catch or chances of getting additional treasure.


  • Every time a new chunk is generated, each chunk gets set to a population based on the rarity of the fish, the biomes the fish prefers, the dimension, etc. If you have a Fish Tracker, you can right clicking on the liquid in the chunk and get information of fish living there based on how good the tracker is. This will give you an estimate of the populations of each fish in the chunk, but be warned that you can overfish and no longer be able to catch specific types of fish in that chunk. If a fish population is low, you can feed it using the Bait Box and they will being reproducing.


Legacy Minigame

Fishing in Water at a Beach

Fishing in Lava in the Underground

Fishing in the Lava in the Nether

Fishing in the Void in the End

Example Aquaculture fish


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