With Flan’s NPC Vehicles Mod (1.12.2, 1.7.10) you will be able to have vehicles from Flan’s Mod in the model list when you create a Custom NPC. Some Vehicles also have several different skins, when you go to the texture list. It functions independently of the installed flan’s content packs and do not require any specifical content pack to work.



  • NPC can shoot Flan’s bullets and grenades when shootable item in ranged slot in NPC’s inventory
  • When an NPC holds 2 Flan’s guns, it will shoot for each burst the number of bullets of the first gun + the number of bullets of the second gun
  • NPC can shoot potions, xp bottles, eggs and fireworks


  • 1. Damage from Flan’s bullets and grenades is always taken into account (but not displayed in the GUI)
  • 2. Ranged Button in NPC inventory (when set to “Yes”):
    • When button set to “Yes”, guns and ammo values will be automatically input in NPC’s stats tab. However stats values will not be read from the NPC’s GUI but directly from Flan’s Mod instead.
    • Damage from Flan’s held gun and its attachments is taken into account when shooting
    • BulletSpeed from Flan’s held gun and its attachments is taken into account when shooting
    • Spread from Flan’s held gun and its attachments is taken into account when shooting
    • ShootSound, LastShootSound, SuppressedShootSound, ReloadSound, SecondaryShootSound (from gun attachment) are played
    • when using CustomNPC’s projectiles in the ranged slot like Kunai stats will be automatically updated
    • when using CustomNPC’s ranged weapons in the main weapon slot like staff, slingshot, musket, guns, machine gun, musket, stats will be automatically updated\
  • 3. Ranged Button in NPC inventory (when set to “No”):
    • accuracy from stats tab translated to a Spread value for flan’s bullets: bullet spread = 3 * (20 – (accuracy / 5)) as long as bullet spread >= 0
    • min/max reload time, burst count and shot count read from stats tab as usual
    • fire sound read from stats tab as usual + reload sound for all held Flan’s guns (read from ReloadSound)
  • 4. Melee Button in NPC inventory (when set to “Yes”):
    • melee damage for held weapons (vanilla weapons as well as Flan’s weapons) is automatically set
    • fire aspect enchantment is automatically set
    • MeleeTime applies to melee attack speed of NPC
    • when 2 weapons are held, the melee stats of the better of the two are taken into account
  • 5. Armor Button in NPC inventory (when set to “Yes”):
    • resistances are updated for Flan’s mod armours following the value of Defence, DamageReduction or OtherDefence.
    • BulletDefence is used for projectile resistance if present
    • resistances are updated for vanilla armours following the rule: resistance in % = armor points * 4
    • Protection, Projectile Protection and Blast Projection Enchantments are taken into account
    • NegateFallDamage sets NPC’s noFallDamage parameter
    • FireResistance sets NPC’s immuneToFire parameter
    • WaterBreathing sets NPC’s drowningType parameter
  • 6. NPC’s resistance / damage reduction:
    • Flan’s melee damage taken into account in NPC’s resistance to melee attacks
    • Flan’s bullets and grenades damage taken into account in NPC’s resistance to projectiles
    • Flan’s explosion damage taken into account in NPC’s resistance to explosions
  • 7. MoveSpeedModifier, KnockbackReduction or KnockbackModifier of Flan’s Armours are always taken into account

Default Stas:

  • NPC’s attackStrength set to 1 by default (like the player)
  • NPC’s aggroRange set to 64 by default
  • NPC’s rangedRange set to 64 by default
  • NPC’s aimWhileShooting set to true by default

Client Side Settings:

  • Flan’s Armours adapt to all NPC animations (Hugging, Crawling, etc) and puppet role
  • NPC’s animation set to HUG instead of AIMING when holding a Flan’s Mod gun in left hand
  • Flan’s Shooting, Melee and Reload animations on NPCs


  • 1. DamageVsVehicles applies to NPC Vehicles and DamageVsPlanes applies to NPC Planes
  • 2. By default, projectile base damage is 1. The total damage value is: base damage (what you can see in the GUI) * multiplier vs Vehicle/Plane/Living (defined in Flan’s bullet files)
  • 3. Vehicle Button in NPC inventory (when set to “Yes”):
    • Stats read from Flan’s vehicle/plane/aagun item in main hand slot in NPC’s inventory
    • NPC’s health updated with the health points of the vehicle/plane’s part which has the most health points (usually it’s the “core” part but it could be also the “turret” for tanks)
    • DamageMultiplierPrimary taken into account when shooting
    • BulletSpeed taken into account when shooting
    • BulletSpread taken into account when shooting
    • ShootDelayPrimary, RoundsPerMinPrimary, ShellDelay, BombDelay taken into account when shooting
    • ShootSound, ShootMainSound, ShootSoundPrimary, ShellSound or BombSound is played when shooting
    • EngineSound / PropSound set to NPC’s “step sound” and EngineSoundLength / PropSoundLength, EngineSoundRange taken into account
    • ShootReloadSound is played when reloading
    • for aagun items, Damage, Accuracy, ShootDelay, ReloadTime, ShootSound, ReloadSound taken into account
    • NPC’s knockback resistance set to 100%

Client Side Settings:

  • Configurable ignore frustrum check (properties in config file): “ignore frustrum check” allows to render an entity even if its hitbox is not in your Field of View
  • More Models animations (turret, tracks, wheels, propellers, doors)
  • Model specific shooting points and shooting particles
  • Yaw rotation when standing still speed depends on the vehicle. Heavy vehicles have a slower rotation. (However rotation speed is not applied when the entity is moving)



Minecraft Forge

Custom NPCs Mod (For Minecraft 1.12.2)

CustomNPC+ Mod (For Minecraft 1.7.10)

Flan’s Mod (For Minecraft 1.12.2)

Flan’s Ultimate Stability Edition Mod (For Minecraft 1.7.10)

How to install:

How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge

How To Download & Install Fabric Mods

Don’t miss out today’s latest Minecraft Mods

Flan’s NPC Vehicles Mod (1.12.2, 1.7.10) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.7.10

Forge version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.12.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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