Fly Skywards Mod
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December 16, 2013
What it does?
It works in Singleplayer and Multiplayer but some servers will stop the mod and in singleplayer you need to exit the menu before the effect!
In multiplayer this will work if there is no anti flying / speed things but also if “allow-flight=false” in the server config you will probably be kicked when using it but you should be fine if you just reconnect.
How to install Fly Skywards Mod:
- Open the new launcher and make sure the version 1.7.4 of Minecraft is there.
- Click “Edit Profile” in the launcher, then open the game directory.
- Go into the subfolder “versions”.
- Rename the folder for the version you require to something else. In this example, rename “1.7.4” to “1.7.4_SKYFLY”.
- Open the 1.6.4_Modded folder.
- Rename “1.7.4.jar” to “1.7.4_SKYFLY.jar”.
- Rename “1.7.4.json” to “1.7.4_SKYFLY.json”.
- Open “1.7.4_SKYFLY.json” with a text editor and replace “id”:”1.7.4″ with “id”:”1.7.4_SKYFLY”, save the file and close it.
- Open 1.7.4_SKYFLY.jar with an archiver (like winrar) and copy and replace the bce.class with the one from the mod
- Delete META-INF and close the archiver.
- Start the new launcher.
- Click “Edit Profile”
- In “Use Version”, select “1.7.4_SKYFLY”.
- Click Save Profile.
- Use the “1.7.4_SKYFLY”profile
- Login and play as normal.
Mod Download Links
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