Food Funk Mod 1.12.2 is a simple mod that changes the mechanics of food, now all kinds of food and crops exists a certain time before being damaged.

Food Funk Mod

What is that funky smell in my backpack? Food spoils over time unless preserved. Configure any item to rot, any container to preserve items.


  • Food rots over time. Make any item rot into any other item (or none at all) over a specified time (via configuration).
  • Preserving containers (the Esky and Freezer) slow or stop rot a specified amount. Add more via configuration.
  • Default configuration entries support vanilla Minecraft and other food mods.
  • Any item from any mod can be specified, and specifiers include support for metadata and ore dictionary names.


Food Funk Mod Screenshots 1

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Crafting Recipes:

Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items to view the full recipes included in this mod

Food Spoiling (Rot)

As if surviving wasn’t hard enough, now your food can spoil too. That’s right, food spoilage happens every day in the real world, why not in Minecraft?

Rot tooltop:

  • “Rotten: p%” – The item is p% through its lifetime. At 100%, the item rots.
  • “Day x/y” – The item is x days old out of a y days lifetime (assuming item is not in a preserving container).

A preserving container will slow or stop the item rot, making the above information accurate assuming the item is removed from the preserving container immediately.

Food Funk Mod Crafting Recipes 1

Most food will spoil in about 7 days (with the default mod settings), so don’t gather more than you can eat (unless you can preserve it in cold storage). Meat items such as pork, beef, chicken, and fish, whether raw or cooked, will rot into rotten flesh, buckets of milk will rot into spoiled milk, while everything else edible (including anything edible from other mods) will rot into rotten food.

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This mod will also keep track of rotting items within inventories from other mods so there is no easy way to cheat around rot. For better ways of preserving your food look into making Eskys and Freezers.

Rotten food isn’t completely useless though, in most cases it is worthwhile to make yourself a composting bin. Rot can be used as a bonemeal substitute or as a crafting ingredient to make dirt, mycelium or slime balls. If you’re feeling really desperate, then you can still eat it for half a hunger “shank”.

Fresh tooltip

This tooltip appears on items in the crafting grid result section (and may appear if other mods have incompatibilities with this mod).

  • “Fresh x days” – The item stays from for x days once it is crafted or comes into existence.

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Other tooltips:

You may see the following tooltips in other circumstances (and may appear more often if other mods have incompatibilities with this mod):

  • Decaying tooltip: the item has hit 100% lifetime and decay is imminent.
  • Preserved tooltip: the item no longer rots.
  • Debug tooltip:
    • “Date x Time y” – the item has a lifetime of y ticks, and x is the fresh timestamp (the creation time plus any preserved time) used to calculate age.
    • “When a / b” – a is the current timestamp in ticks, and the item will rot at timestamp b.

Rotten food

  • Everything else edible (including anything edible from other mods) will rot into rotten food.

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Spoiled milk

  • Buckets of milk will rot into spoiled milk

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  • A cooler that extends the shelf life of food, halving the rate at which things inside rot.

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  • A freezer that extends the shelf life of food further than an Esky. It completely halts the rotting of food items inside of it.

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Show Spoiler

The mod come pre-configured with default settings – so configuration is only needed if you want to customize a setting or to add support for another mod’s items

Config menu

  • “Enable item rot” – true enabled item rot, false disables rot
  • “preserving” – configure preserving container properties
  • “rotting” – configure item rot properties
  • “debug” – configure debug settings

Food Funk Mod Configs 1

Preserving config

Food Funk Mod Configs 2

Food Funk Mod Configs 3

Rotting config

  • “days to rot” – set the number of days it takes for items to rot, or disable rot for items.
  • “rotten id” – configure into what an item rots.

Food Funk Mod Configs 4

Days to Rot config

Food Funk Mod Configs 5

Rotten id config

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Debug config

Food Funk Mod Configs 7


Minecraft Forge

Wumple Util Library

How to install:

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Food Funk Mod 1.12.2 Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.14.4

Forge version: Download from Server 1

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