Foundry Mod 1.12.2, 1.10.2 (Melting and Casting with Metal)
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June 6, 2020
Foundry Mod 1.12.2, 1.10.2 is a mod about melting metals into liquid, making alloys and casting the to make various items. This mod adds the following liquid metals: Iron, Gold, Copper, Tin, Bronze, Electrum, Invar, Nickel, Zinc, Brass, Silver, Steel, and Lead. Integrates with Buildcraft, IC2 (experimental branch), Forestry, Railcraft, Thermal Expansion, Redstone Arsenal, Gregtech, and Tinker’s Construct. This mod also supports items from other mods such as tools, armor, gears, plates, etc.
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Refractory Fluid Container:
The Refractory Fluid Contaner is an item that stores fluids inside similar to buckets. Unlike buckets the Refractory Fluid Contaner can be partially filled with fluid up to 1000 mB. Another feature is that it can interact with any tile entity. When right clicked while holding a container and looking at a tile entity it can drain from it if not holding the sneak button, or fill into it if holding the sneak button 100 mB at a time. if the container is completely empty it can pickup fluids from the world by right clicking. If the container is full the fluid can be placed in the world by holding the sneak button and right clicking.
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Foundry adds metal blocks for all it’s supported metals as well as metal slabs and stair blocks. These blocks can be made in a Metal Caster with their respective molds.
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All foundry Machine require energy in the form of MJ, RF, or EU (When using EU all machines can safely accept up to 32 EU/t, except the ICF which can accept up to 128 EU/t), which is converted into Energy that the machines use.
Energy ratios:
100 Energy = 1 MJ
10 Energy = 1 RF
40 Energy = 1 EU
Induction Crucible Furnace:
The Induction Crucible Furnace is a machine that melts items into liquid metals. This machine requires MJ to operate an can accept up to 4000 Energy/tick. When powered the heat level will begin to rise according to amount of Energy received per tick. The machine will also lose heat if not receiving sufficient power. The higher the stored heat the more heat it loses per tick. This means more energy is required to sustain higher temperatures. Once the heat level reaches the melting point of the metal the melting process starts. The higher the heat level is above the melting point, the faster it will melt. Fluid can be extracted with containers, or fluid pipes.
GUI Layout:
Input slot
Stored heat
Stored fluid tank
Container drain slot
Container fill slot
Any Metal Ore -> 216 mB of respective liquid metal
Any Metal Ingot -> 108 mB of respective liquid metal
Any Metal Dust -> 108 mB of respective liquid metal
Any Metal Block -> 972 mB of respective liquid metal
Any Metal Nugget -> 12 mB of respective liquid metal
Any Metal Slab -> 486mB of respective liquid metal
Any Metal Stairs -> 729mB of respective liquid metal
Copper Cable (IC2) -> 54 mB of liquid copper
Tin Cable (IC2) -> 36 mB of liquid tin
Gold Cable (IC2) -> 27 mB of liquid gold
HV Cable (IC2) -> 27 mB of liquid iron
Copper Item Casing (IC2) -> 54 mB liquid copper
Tin Item Casing (IC2) -> 54 mB of liquid tin
Bronze Item Casing (IC2) -> 54 mB liquid bronze
Gold Item Casing (IC2) -> 54 mB of liquid gold
Iron Item Casing (IC2) -> 54 mB of liquid iron
Lead Item Casing (IC2) -> 54 mB of liquid lead
Copper Item Plate (IC2) -> 108 mB liquid copper
Tin Item Plate (IC2) -> 108 mB of liquid tin
Bronze Item Plate (IC2) -> 108 mB liquid bronze
Gold Item Plate (IC2) -> 108 mB of liquid gold
Iron Item Plate (IC2) -> 108 mB of liquid iron
Lead Item Plate (IC2) -> 108 mB of liquid lead
Any coal dust -> 100 mB of Liquifacted Coal (TE3)
Redstone dust -> 100 mB of Destabilized Redstone (TE3)
Redstone block -> 900 mB of Destabilized Redstone (TE3)
Glowstone dust -> 250 mB of Energized Glowstone (TE3)
Glowstone Block -> 1000 mB of Energized Glowstone (TE3)
Enderpearl -> 250 mB of Resonant Ender (TE3)
Iron Gear (Buildcraft, or Railcraft) -> 432 mB of liquid iron
Gold Gear (Buildcraft) -> 432 mB of liquid gold
Steel Gear (Railcraft) -> 432 mB of liquid steel
Copper Gear (Forestry) -> 432 mB of liquid copper
Tin Gear (Forestry) -> 432 mB of liquid tin
Bronze Gear (Forestry) -> 432 mB of liquid bronze
Invar Gear (TE3) -> 432 mB of liquid invar
Electrum Gear (TE3) -> 432 mB of liquid electrum
Metal Caster:
The caster is a machine that takes liquid metals and casts them into items or blocks using molds. This machine requires 10000 Energy to cast an item. Can store internally up to 40000 Energy.
To create a mold, craft a blank mold then place the blank mold and the item with the shape to be created in a crafting table (for example: any pickaxe + blank mold, creates a pickaxe mold). When crafting a mold the item used as a shape is not consumed. Once the mold is crafted it then needs to be hardened in a furnace.
Some recipes require extra items to cast (for example: 2 sticks are needed in the extra slot to cast a pickaxe).
GUI Layout:
Stored fluid tank
Stored power (MJ)
Mold slot
Extra item slot
Output slot
Container drain slot
Container fill slot
Metal Ingot = 108 mB of respective liquid metal + Ingot Mold
Metal Block = 972 mB of respective liquid metal + Block Mold
Metal Slab = 486 mB of respective liquid metal + Slab Mold
Metal Stairs = 729 mB of respective liquid metal + Stairs Mold
Iron Gear (Buildcraft, or Railcraft)* = 432 mB of liquid iron + Gear Mold
Iron Plate (IC2) = 108 mB of liquid iron + Plate Mold
Lead Plate (IC2) = 108 mB of liquid lead + Plate Mold
* Uses ore dictionary for item if enabled in the config.
Alloy Mixer:
The alloy mixer is used to make liquid metal alloys. It has 2 internal tanks for the alloys components and 1 for its resulting alloy. This machine requires 400 Energy/tick to operate. Fluids can be inserted/extracted with containers, or fluid pipes.
GUI Layout:
First input tank
Second input tank
Output tank
First input container drain
First input container fill
Output container drain
Output container fill
Second input container drain
Second input container fill
12mB of liquid bronze = 9mB of liquid copper + 3mB of liquid tin
12mB of liquid brass = 9mB of liquid copper + 3mB of liquid zinc
12mB of liquid invar = 8mB of liquid iron + 3m4 of liquid nickel
12mB of liquid electrum = 6mB of liquid gold + 6mB of liquid silver
Metal Infuser:
The infuser is a machine combine liquid metal with other non-metal substances, also extracts substance from items for infusion. This machine uses up to 600 Energy/tick to extract substance, and 100 Energy/tick to infuse substance. The amount of energy required depends on the item being extracted. Once the substance is extracted it’s stored internally in the machine. Currently only supports carbon to make steel.
GUI Layout:
Substance extract slot
Substance storage
Input tank
Output tank
Input tank container drain
Input tank container fill
Output tank container drain
Output tank container fill
3mB of liquid steel = 3mB of liquid iron + 2mL of carbon (1 iron ingot + 2 coal = 1 steel ingot)
Substance Extraction Recipes:
36 mL of carbon = Coal + 2400 MJ
12 mL of carbon = Charcoal + 4800 MJ
324 mL of carbon = Coal Block + 19200 MJ
36 mL of carbon = Coal Dust* + 1600 MJ
12 mL of carbon = Charcoal Dust* + 3200 MJ
36 mL of carbon = Coal Coke (Railcraft) + 1100 MJ
324 mL of carbon = Coal Coke Block (Railcraft) + 8800 MJ