G5Troll Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) is a plugin designed to add an element of fun and surprise to Minecraft servers by offering trolling features. It allows server administrators to execute entertaining pranks on players, creating memorable and enjoyable moments on the server. With a selection of creative and amusing commands, the G5Troll Plugin provides an interactive and engaging experience for both administrators and players.


  • Trolling Commands: The main feature of the G5Troll Plugin is its collection of trolling commands. These commands can be used by server administrators to prank players in various ways, such as disguising as different mobs, teleporting players unexpectedly, spawning mobs around them, or even creating humorous sound effects.
  • Customizable Pranks: The plugin offers flexibility in terms of customization, allowing administrators to tailor the pranks to suit the server’s environment and player preferences. The intensity and frequency of the pranks can be adjusted to ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone.
  • Fun and Entertainment: The G5Troll Plugin is designed to bring laughter and amusement to the server. The pranks and surprises it offers can create a lively and engaging atmosphere, fostering a sense of camaraderie and fun among the players.
  • Compatibility: The G5Troll Plugin is compatible with most versions of Minecraft, ensuring its usability across various server environments.
  • Trolls (74):

– Back (Return the player to his old location.)
– Burn (Burn player)
– Firework (Launch the player into the air!)
– Spin (Spin the player!)
– Cage (Catch a player in a bedrock cage)
– Freeze (Freeze player)
– Anvil (Drop an anvil on a player)
– FakeTNT (Summon fake tnt next to player)
– Pumpkin (Put the pumpkin on the player!)
– Lightning (Hit player using lightning)
– RandomizeInventory (Randomize items in inventory)
– ExplosionSound (plays explosion sound next to player)
– CreeperSound (plays creeper sound next to player)
– Hit (Hit player)
– Hunger (Set the food level.)
– InventoryDrop (Drops inventory)
– FakeBlocks (Creates random fake blocks around the player.)
– Noob (creates a sign saying noob)
– FakeDiamondOre (changes stone to diamond ore)
– Cobweb (slow down the player with the web)
– Rotate (rotates the player)
– ScaryRandomTeleport (Teleports player with amazing effects)
– Funeral (Knocks the player to the ground.)
– AntiMiner (kicks the player out of the hole)
– Sheep (spawns sheep with a random color.)
– EndermanJumpscare (Enderman jumpscare… )
– MobHat (Places a entity on the player’s head.)
– MobRide (the player will start riding the mob)
– DirtInventory (Drops all items and fills inventory with dirt.)
– AirShots (shoots arrows from the air.)
– BlockRain (shoots blocks into the air.)
– Swap (swaps 2 players positions.)
– Void (destroys all blocks under the player.)
– Message (Sending message as a player.)
– Nuke (Creates explosion.)
– FriendlyCreeper (Spawn creeper with 0 explosion radius.)
– Hacker (The player becomes a cheater.)
– GuardianJumpscare (Guardian Jumpscare… )
– FatBoy (The player gets heavier)
– SeeInventory (See player inventory.)
– Cloud (Cloud will appear on the player)
– ServerHacked (Fake Hacker Attack)
– BigCactus (Creates a cactus all the way to the top)
– InvisibleSpider (Spawn invisible spider)
– AggressiveWolf (Spawn aggressive wolf)
– LoadingScreen (Shows the player a loading screen.)
– FakeDeath (Sends the death screen to the player.)
– FakeDamage (Fake beats the player to 1HP.)
– EndScreen (Shows the player a end screen.)
– DemoScreen (Shows the player a demo screen.)
– FakeCreative (Fake creative for player.)
– FakeHunger (Falsely sets the player’s food level to 0.)
– ChangeHeldSlot (Change held item slot.)
– FakeExperience (Falsely sets the player’s experience.)
– NormalRandomTeleport (Randomly teleports the player)
– RandomRotate (Randomly rotates the player)
– HeadDance (Randomly rotates the player head for x seconds.)
– SnowGolemEffect (Creates snow under the player.)
– FlamingBootsEffect (Creates fire under the player.)
– NoGravity (The player will lose their gravity.)
– EggShooter (Shoots eggs into the air.)
– Spam (Spam player chat.)
– Venom (Attracts all entity within the selected range.)
– WaterCage (Drown a player in this trap.)
– FlowerBootsEffect (Creates flowers under the player.)
– RollingHeldSlot (Rolling Held Slot)
– Control (Control player.)
– BugChunk (Blocks close to the player will cease to exist.)
– Alone (Make every other player invisible)
– FalseAntiCheatBan (backs the player 10 times and then kick them out.)
– FakeLava (creates false lava in player)
– BigBamboo (Creates a bamboo all the way to the top)
– BigSugarCane (Creates a sugar cane all the way to the top)
– FakeOp (Sends op message.)


The G5Troll Plugin operates primarily through the use of commands:

  • /troll <player>: This command allows administrators to select a specific player and execute a prank on them.
  • /trolllist: This command displays a list of available pranks and their corresponding command aliases.
  • /trollhelp: This command provides detailed information on how to use the plugin and its commands.


The G5Troll Plugin requires specific permissions for different functionalities:

  • g5troll.troll: This permission allows players to use the /troll command and execute pranks on other players.
  • g5troll.list: This permission grants players access to the /trolllist command to view the available pranks.
  • g5troll.help: This permission enables players to access the /trollhelp command for detailed information on using the plugin.

G5Troll Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) Download Links

For All Versions from Minecraft Spigot 1.19 to Minecraft Spigot 1.20.1

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