Garden Stuff Mod 1.12.2, 1.7.10 is a collection of garden-related mods originally based on Modular Flower Pots. This turns minecraft gardening into something really customizable & unique. Not only are there tons of new gardening items & blocks, but there is also lots of cool decorative features too.

Garden Stuff Mod

This mod adds in tons of new stuff, custom flower arrangements, gardening features such as tools and blocks for you to use in your Garden. Now your Garden can be the best in on block.

The mod is distributed as a single jar file, but internally is composed for 4 independent mods:

  • Garden Core
  • Garden Containers
  • Garden Stuff
  • Garden Trees

Garden Core is the base mod that all the others depend on. You must install this mod if you install any of the others. In addition to being a dependency, this mod does provide a small amount of usable content. Garden Core provides the foundation for combining multiple plants into a single block, and includes some miscellaneous bits that don’t fit elsewhere.

Garden Containers encompasses the pottery component of Modular Flower Pots. It contains the same large pots and crafting mechanics. It also adds new containers like fancy pots and window boxes. New containers may be added later.

Garden Trees encompasses the ornamental tree component of Modular Flower Pots. It allows saplings to be grown into miniature trees, and adds the wood posts and wood post fences. If you have another mod installed that’s compatible, new posts and fences may be available based on the compatible mod’s trees.

Garden Stuff Mod Wiki:


Mix and match multiple plants on special garden blocks – even between them!


Use the Garden Trowel to fine-tune your arrangements. Some slots have restrictions on the size of plants they’ll hold.


An assortment of containers provided by the mod. Combinations of pattern and color are almost innumerable.


Decorate your yard.


Fill the decorative pots with netherrack to decorate your Nether gardens or Zelda dungeons.


Medium-size pots offer size variety but can’t hold the largest plants like their full-size brethren.


Vanilla ornamental trees and oak wood post fences.


A large number of ornamental trees added with Biomes O’ Plenty compatibility.


Mixed Plants

Garden Stuff Mod Screenshots 1

Extra Vanilla Saplings

Garden Stuff Mod Screenshots 2

Connected Post Structures

Garden Stuff Mod Screenshots 3

Hanging Pots

Garden Stuff Mod Screenshots 4

Chain and Lattice

Garden Stuff Mod Screenshots 5

Garden Lanterns

Garden Stuff Mod Screenshots 6

Wrought Iron Fences

Garden Stuff Mod Screenshots 7


Minecraft Forge

Chameleon Library

How to install:

How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge

How To Download & Install Fabric Mods

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Garden Stuff Mod 1.12.2, 1.7.10 Download Links

For Minecraft 1.7.10

Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12

Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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