Genesis Origins Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) – Golemborn, Arcanite, Ghastling
Genesis Origins Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) adds some unique origins with different appearances, skills, and characteristics to Minecraft.
- The Golemborn are few and far, taking after their ancestors, the Iron Golems. They gained some of their strength and some of their size.
- Higher damage when not using a weapon
- Launch enemies into the air, similar to what your ancestors do (only without a weapon in hand)
- Defense equal to iron armor, due to your steel carapace
- Spawn in a village
- You are 1.25x larger than normal humans
- You can only eat metal items (Iron, Gold/Golden Food, and Netherite), this includes nuggets and blocks. Eating any kind of netherite will give you buffs.
- Slow, due to your size
- Clumsy, meaning you cannot hold shields
- Bulky, armor does not fit on you
- Heavy, you must use a lot of energy to move around, requiring more food
- The Arcanites were born of the Eldritch Gods, inheriting some of their power. Dating back to ancient days, these strange creatures are not so common anymore.
- Use arcane spells on your enemies
- You have mana, which is used to power your spells and regenerates faster when near bookshelves or an enchanting table. (200 is the max)
- You have less health because of your frail body
- Current Spells:
- Fireball (Requires Level 5) 35 Mana
- Lightning Strike (Requires Level 10) 20 Mana
- Withercall (Requires Level 20) 40 Mana
- Plasma Immunity (Requires Level 50)
- Flight (Requires Level 100)
- Ghastlings are a rare occurrence, coming from a strange reaction, creating a human-sized Ghast.
- Fire balls of flame at your enemies.
- Float to the ground, instead of falling
- You are slightly translucent, due to your thin skin
- You have less health
- You need to eat more food
- The Infested supposedly descend from those scuttling silverfish. They hold many of the same aspects.
- Burrow through stone
- Silverfish come when you are hurt
- Silverfish are friendly towards you
- Night vision underground
- You are smaller than a normal person
- You get blindness if the light level is too high, but wearing a pumpkin or head will stop this
- You can not be out of stone for too long or you begin to deteriorate
- Due to your small size, you have less hearts
- All but one of the Great Dragons left the End. Where they went is unknown. What we do know is you were born of them.
- Launch dragon fireballs (Primary) (you are supposed to be immune to dragons breath, but that immunity is not working. it is an issue with origins itself, not Genesis)
- Fly through the air because you have an elytra
- Have more defense because of your tough scales
- You will get slowness if you are on the ground, as you are far more accustomed to the skies
- Your dragon stomach can not digest anything but meat
How to install:
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Genesis Origins Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.16.5
Forge/Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.17.1
Forge/Fabric version: Download from Server 1
For Minecraft 1.18.1
Fabric version: Download from Server 1
For Minecraft 1.18.2
Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.19.2
Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
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