Ghast Client (1.12.2, 1.8.9) is software which optimises your windows settings to make them good for Minecraft PvP. Use Ghast to give you a legitimate edge in Minecraft PvP. Years of extended testing & research have gone into giving you the best advantage against all of your opponents! Ghast streamlines the way your computer sends and receives information for Minecraft PvP. Ghast works by giving you the option to modify a set of game-changing settings based on your playstyle. It works on all versions of Minecraft, including; badlion client, lunar client, forge, fabric, all modded clients, and bedrock edition.


  • Gain the edge in PvP: Ghast modifies the way your computer handles incoming and outgoing packets. Due to Minecraft using TCP, the effects can be seen most in your hit registration, knockback, rodding, and anything connection related too.
  • No restarts needed: Tired of having to restart every time you change your network settings? After the first run, our instant update protocol allows you to easily change settings without interupting your experience.
  • Simple settings: Don’t waste your time dealing with thousands of meaningless settings, Ghast simplifies everything by exposing a few simple settings and hiding any complexity away.


Ghast Client (1.12.2, 1.8.9) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.8.9

Installer for Windows (Exe file): Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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