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August 3, 2024
❘ Author: kwpugh
❘ Available for: Fabric, Forge, NeoForge
Gobber Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) contains an array of powerful tools, weapons, and armor with special abilities. The Grings and Gaffs provide players with a variety of movement, combat, and utility perks. The Area Defense blocks are a great way to protect your builds or bases from unwanted mob attacks and damage (e.g. pesky creepers). A great choice for adventure modpacks and servers.
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The key material for this mod is called Glob, which can be obtained in three ways.
Mining – Gobber Ore, which drops 1-4 Globs, spawns randomly at y=20-30 and can be mined with any tool
Growing – Globettes can be obtained as a rare drop from grass, which can be crafted into a Glob Seed and grown on vanilla farmland. Globettes can be crafted into Globs as well as Glob Seeds.
Globs can be obtained by conversion of hostile mob life essence with the use of the Converter block. The Converter block will produce Nether Globs if it is used in the Nether and End Globs if used in the End.
Nether Gobber Ore and End Gobber Ore are obtained by silk touching regular Gobber Ore and placing it in the Nether and The End respectively. It will drop Nether Globs or End Globs if mined in the normal fashion.
The next step is to make some ingots for crafting.
Crafting – To make Globots, you will need to craft a Glob with an iron and gold ingot and a diamond. This results in (3) Raw Globots. For Nether Globots, use blaze powder instead of the diamond. End Globots require blocks of diamond, iron, and gold.
Smelting – Simply smelt a Raw Globot and get a regular Globot, ready for crafting.
Worldgen & Materials:
Gobber Ore – a fairly rare ore found between y=20-30 which drops Globs. The ore throws light so it is easier to find in caves.
Nether Gobber Ore – not found naturally in worldgen, but created by placing a regular Gobber Ore in the Nether. Drops Nether Globs when mined.
End Gobber Ore – not found naturally in worldgen, but created by placing a Nether Gobber Ore in the End. Drops End Globs when mined.
Globs/Nether Globs/End Globs – a bit of Gobber in your hand, not much good until it is processed in some way
Globette – a random drop from grass which can be crafted into Globs
Nether Globette – a random drop from Nether Wart which can be crafted into Nether Globs
End Globette – a random drop from chorus plant which can be crafted into End Globs
Glucky Block – a fairly common block found between y=55-110 which drops random loot when broken.
Mod contents:
In addition to the regular set of tools, there are Paxels and 3×3 Hammers:
Glopper – a powerful sword, right-click for Fire Resistance
Gigger – a long-lasting pickaxe, right-click for Night Vision
Govel – a shovel, right-click for Water Breathing
Goe – a hoe
Gaxe – an axe
Gow – a bow with great power and limitless arrows
Ghears – a pair of shears
Gaxel – a powerful tool that combines a Gigger, Glopper, and Gaxe into one powerful tool, right-click for Night Vision
Gammer – a very durable, traditional 3×3 hammer, right-click for Night Vision
NOTE: End Globot versions of the tools & weapons are unbreakable and a bit more expensive to make.
Three different types of armor to make, the chainmail is unbreakable and all three have special abilities. Take note the unbreakable armor set will require (84) End Globots and (6) Nether Stars in total.
GarmorHelmet – slow regeneration in Overworld and Nether
Garmor Chestplate – water breathing in Overworld
Garmor Leggings – no fall damage
Garmor Boots – (to be decided)
Nether GarmorHelmet – moderate regeneration in Overworld and Nether
Nether Garmor Chestplate – water breathing in Overworld or fire resistance in the Nether
Nether Garmor Leggings – no fall damage
Nether Garmor Boots – 3 blocks step assist
End Garmor Helmet – rapid regeneration and hearts in Overworld, Nether, and End
End Garmor Chestplate – water breathing and fire resistance in the overworld, fire resistance in Nether and creative flight while in the End.
End Garmor Leggings – no fall damage
End Garmor Boots – 3 block step assist
Garmor Repair Plate – used to repair Garmor and Nether Garmor pieces, ingots will not work
Just of few of the many (40) specialty items to make your gameplay more fun
Specialty Items:
Gring of the Clouds – provides a slow vertical ascent for 45 seconds
Gring of the Rocket – provides a rapid vertical ascent for 10 seconds
Gring of Acceleration – provides forward momentum in the direction you look while aloft
Gring of Leaping – provides a significant jump boost when in hand
Gring of the Traveler – provides a large vertical ascent, forward acceleration, and No Fall Damage. Aim high and hold the right-click for really large boosts.
Gring of Air Walking – creates an invisible bridge to walk on or slows the player to a hover while falling from a very high altitude (e.g. with Gring of the Clouds, Rocket or Traveler)
Gring of Cooling – turns nearby water to packed ice, lava in the Overworld to cobblestone, and lava in the Nether to Netherrack
Gring of Return – returns the player to their bed last slept in
Gring of Blink – teleport to the location the player is viewing
Gring of the Void – teleports the player to The End, on the obsidian platform
Gring of Shielding – provides 30 seconds of damage resistance on right-click
Gring of Stealth – allows the player to be undetected by hostile mobs while in hand
Gring of Dismissal -flings hostile mobs far away, mobs might die from the fall though, oh well, out of sight, out of mind
Gring of Elimination – kills hostile mobs in a small range around the player on right-click
Gring of Grinding – levitates mobs and drops them to their deaths while in hand
Gring of Extinguishment – kills nearby Blazes while in hand
Gring of Immunity – protects the player from most forms of damage while in the OFF hand
Gaff of the Blaze – shoots fast fireballs, limit 100 shots, not repairable
Gaff of the Dragon – shoots dragon fireballs, limit 100 shots, not repairable
Gaff of the Wither – shoots wither skulls, limit 100 shots, not repairable
Block Harvest/Destruction:
Gring of Briskness -provides an assist while you are breaking blocks
Gring of Arboreal Destruction – breaks logs and leaves in a defined area (9x20x9) on right-click, great for clearing away a forest
Gring of Sedimentary Destruction – breaks stone, dirt, grass, sand, and gravel in a defined area (5x5x5) on right-click, great for digging out a mine, underground base, or flattening outland
Gaff of Gathering – harvests nearby crops and collects them into player inventory on right-click
Gaff of Clearing – clears out grass, flowers, and ferns with a right-click. Sneak right-click will clear leaves from nearby trees.
Gring of Attraction – an item magnet with a long-range, sneak right-click to toggle on/off
Gring of Prosperity – provides a little bit of luck
Gring of Growth – accelerates growth of plants/crops in a 5 block range while in hand
Gring of Love – causes animals to get “busy” in range on right-click
Gring of Aridity – rain, rain, go away, come back on some other day
Gring of Absolution – removes potion effects with a right-click
Gring of Breathing – allows underwater breathing while in hand
Gring of Scotopic – provides night vision, sneak right-click to toggle on/off
Gring of Smothering – provides some protection when on fire or in lava
Gring of Stowage – provides easy access to player’s Enderchest
Gring of Invigoration – provides relief from mining fatigue
Gring of Antidote – provides protection against poison, wither, and a few other afflictions
Gring of Enchantment – gives various special enchantments to the Garmor, Glopper, and Gow via crafting table, some enchants at levels not possible in vanilla enchantment table (e.g. Sharpness X)
Gaff of Ensnarement – capture/release a mob (passive/hostile)
Gaff of Slaughtering – kills animals with the power of the Wind
Area Defense Blocks (What Zombie Hoard?):
Tormentor, Eliminator, Repulsor, Converter, and Imparter
Repulsor – a block that repels hostile mobs within a 64 block range, a protector for your base
Eliminator – a block that kills hostile mobs within a 32 block range
Tormentor – a block that tortures mobs in a 16 block range, great for collecting their loot
Converter– both a defense block and an easy way to collect Globs from hostile mobs within a 16 block range. If placed in the Nether, it will collect Nether Globs. If placed in the End, it will collect End Globs.
Imparter – When placed in the Nether, this blocks kill mobs in a 64 block area and spits out the XP only. Also works in the End, but use cautiously due to the spawn rate of Enderman in the End.
Goo – a lumpy, messy, food made from Glob, Sugar, Egg, and Slime Ball
Gooey Apple– Goo-infused apples (gives Speed and Jump Boost)
Gooey Bread – Goo-infused bread (no special effect yet)
Gooey Pie –Goo-infused food thatprovides Speed
Gooey Cookie – Goo-infused food that provides Speed
Gooey Chicken – Goo-infused food that provides Saturation
Gooey Beef – Goo-infused food that provides Saturation
Gooey Mutton – Goo-infused food that provide Saturation
Gooey Pork – Goo-infused food that provides Saturation
Gooey Rabbit – Goo-infused food that provides Saturation
Gooey Fish – Goo-infused food that provides Saturation
Goop – a smooth drink made from Goo (gives Absorption and Saturation)
Gooey Glob Stew – a nice stew (gives Saturation)
Foo – a furnace fuel made from charcoal and Glob giving 64,000 tick burn time
Nether Foo – a furnace fuel made from charcoal and Nether Glob giving 96,000 tick burn time
End Foo – a furnace fuel made from charcoal and End Glob giving 128,000 tick burn time
Various Glob Logs, Glob Planks, Gobber Ores, Globot Blocks
Raw Globot – a proto-ingot made from Glob, Diamond, Iron Ingot, and Gold Ingot in a crafting table. For Nether Globot, use blaze powder instead of the diamond. For End Globots, use blocks of diamond, gold, and iron.
Globot – a smelted version of the Raw Globot, now suitable for crafting purposes
Globot Rod – a tough rod used for crafting tools and weapons
Block of Globot – a storage option for all your Globots, also used to craft a Gammer
Glob Plank – a building block that gives off light
Glob Log – a building block that gives off light
Glob Glass – a clear glass that gives off the light and only allows players to pass through it. Hold sneak to be able to walk on glass.
Glob Seed – can be crafted from Globettes and a Beetroot seed, used to grow Glob Plants. Nether and End Globs cannot be grown directly. Netherwart farms can yield Nether Globettes and Chorus Plant farms can yield End Globettes.
Glob Plant – a planted Glob Seed grows into a Glob Plant and drops Globette for harvest. It can be right-clicked for harvest, leaving the plant in place. Also works with auto farmers (e.g. Farmer from Actually Additions). A Gring of Growth greatly accelerates the process.