Gravestone Graves Mod (1.12.2, 1.7.10) adds a gravestone to the game, which “spawns” at player, villager, dog, cat death. Also this mod generate cemeteries in some villages, and a “Wither’s catacombs”. This is a new huge structure, like stronghold, where you can find a lot of loot, dangerous adventures and a “Wither Boss” at the end.



  • The gravestones are the main “components” of this mod, which are generated at player’s death. They will store all your items (can be changed in configs) and some information about your death(the amount of days which you had been living, death type & e.t.c).
  • There are several types of the gravestones. Each of them can be made of different materials. The generated grave type will be chosen randomly (except few special cases), but its material will be based on biome and your level.
  • What about the special cases – they are death by explosion, starving and withering. Your gravestone will look like a charged creeper statue when you were blown up. When you starved to death or withered it will look like a skeleton corpse. Also there are 25% chance that one of your swords will be used as a gravestone.
  • Gravestones can be generated at villager’s/pet’s (dog’s, cat’s, horse’s) death too. These graves will have special models(villager/dog/cat/horse statue).
  • Some of the gravestones may have flowers on it. Just click on a gravestone with a flower in your hand and it will be planted. To remove it click on it again with shears. Furthermore almost every gravestone can be mossy. It happens when you die in the jungle or the swamp. For sure you can make it mossy by clicking on it with vines in hands. Like the flowers you can sheared it.
  • Other interesting effect is enchanted aura. Such things happens when you were killed by magic.
  • To take items back you need to destroy the grave or to click on it with a shovel in your hand(in this case grave will not be destroyed).
  • The gravestones can be picked and put at any place, but only on any “diggable” blocks(it can be changed in the configs). But all information will be saved only if a gravestone was picked by a silk touch pickaxe.
  • By default everyone has access to your grave, but it can be changed in configuration options. In this case graves can be looted only by its “owner”. Furthermore the graves can’t be destroyed by other players till there are any items in them.


  • Memorials are decorative blocks. They are generates randomly in the world. Like gravestones it can show some message.
  • There are several types of the memorials. Each of them can be made of different materials. Type of generated memorial will be chosen randomly(except creeper memorials), its material will be based on biome(except few special cases).
  • As for creeper memorials they can’t be found in the world, or crafted(it can be changed in configs). They are dropped at charged creeper death. Also you can find it in catacombs.
  • Furthermore there is one special type of memorials – players memorials. At the moment it can be obtained by console command: /gs getStatue
  • Every memorial can be mossy. It happens when it was generated in the jungle or in the swamp. Furthermore you can make it mossy by clicking on it with vines in hands. To remove it click on it again with shears.
  • The memorial can be picked and put at any place. But all information will be saved only if memorial was picked by a silk touch pickaxe.


  • As you may understand, main purpose of this blocks – spawn of monsters. It it rather similar to minecraft spawners except its visual appearance and some changes in logic.
  • There are few types of spawners: skeleton spawner, zombie spawner and spider spawners. Each of them can spawn only appropriate to its type mobs, but those monsters can be different – skeleton spawner can spawn ordinary skeletons, wither skeletons, skeleton cats, dogs and horses. Zombie spawner can spawn zombies, zombie villagers, zombie pigmen, zombie cats, dogs and horses. Spider spawner can spawn spiders and cave spiders.
  • There are special types of spawners – boss spawners. This spawners can be used once – it will be destroyed at boss spawners. At the moment there is only one boss spawner – Wither spawner, it can be used to summon Wither boss.
  • All spawners can be crafted, but you can change it in configuration file – set “CraftableSpawners” and “CraftableWitherSpawner” (for wither spawner) to “false” to disable its crafting recipes



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Gravestone Graves Mod (1.12.2, 1.7.10) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.6.4

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.7.10

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.8.9

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.9.4

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.10.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.11.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.12.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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