Do you have what it takes to grow your own dragon? All the way from an egg (once you rescue it from the dreaded Troll, Rock Monster or Lumberbad) to a baby to a fearsome troll-eating beast? We shall see about that…Let’s try Grow Your Own Dragon Addon (1.19, 1.18) and that dragon will be yours forever. Defeat a rock monster for your dragon egg, watch carefully over your new egg, tame the baby when it hatches, and get ready to rule the world when it grows up.


For all the long-suffering dragon hunters out there that have gone to incredible trouble facing unbelievable odds, retrieved a dragon egg, only to have it explode or burn up or turn to ice – this is for you. The Incubator. Craft one like this (ingredients are obsidian, one netherite block, glass panes):

Place it down and interact with it while holding a netherite ingot. It will consume the ingot and the incubator mechanism will spin for around 30 seconds. Place down your eggs, anywhere, as soon as possible. You’ve got  20 seconds of reliable egg-hatching time, so be prepared!

How To Grow Your Own Light Spark Dragon:

  • Step 1: Defeat a Lumberbad, big tree monster (see below), get an Evil Wyvern spawn egg (if you’re lucky).
  • Step 2: Defeat the Evil Wyvern, hopefully it will drop a blue Light Spark spawn egg.
  • Step 3: Put that egg down at night time, above ground.
  • Step 4: Wait for it to hatch (it will start to wobble when it’s almost ready).
  • Step 5: Tame with Dragon Food. Growth time from baby to adult will be 11-20 minutes depending on size but you can speed up its growth with golden apples.

If you want a “display” egg. You need to progress to Step 3 and interact with the egg whilst holding a bucket of lava. It will never hatch and you can chop it up and place it wherever you like. One for the collectors!

This dragon isn’t especially fast but will achieve its top speed in dry biomes (mountain, desert) and slowest over ocean, jungle, swamp – all that moisture is bad for an electricity dragon! It can’t wear armor but can shoot lightning bolts! (Interact with your dragon while riding to shoot a bolt.)

How To Grow Your Own Spitfire Dragon:

  • Step 1: Defeat a Lumberbad (see below), get an Evil Wyvern spawn egg (if you’re lucky).
  • Step 2: Defeat the Evil Wyvern, hopefully it will drop a Spitfire spawn egg.
  • Step 3: Put that egg down in a desert around noon.
  • Step 4: Wait for it to hatch (it will start to wobble when it’s almost ready).
  • Step 5: Tame with Dragon Food. Growth time from baby to adult will be 10-15 minutes depending on size but you can speed up its growth with golden apples.
  • If you want a “display” egg. You need to progress to Step 3 and interact with the egg whilst holding a bucket of water. It will never hatch and you can chop it up and place it wherever you like. One for the collectors!

This dragon reaches its top speed in desert, swamp, and savanna biomes (hot) and slowest in cold and frozen biomes. As with the Frostbite, this dragon can’t wear armor however it can shoot fireballs. To shoot a fireball interact with your dragon when riding it.

How To Grow Your Own Frostbite Dragon:

  • Step 1: Defeat a Lumberbad (see below), get an Evil Wyvern to spawn egg (if you’re lucky)
  • Step 2: Defeat the Evil Wyvern, hopefully, it will drop a Frostbite spawn egg
  • Step 3: Put that egg down in extreme hills (or Mountains) above level 220 around noon (it needs the heat to hatch!).
  • Step 4: Wait for it to hatch (it will start to wobble when it’s almost ready).

If you want a “display” egg. You need to progress to Step 3 and interact with the egg whilst holding a bucket of lava. It will never hatch and you can chop it up and place it wherever you like. One for the collectors!

You must tame it with Dragon Food (recipe below) and you can speed up its growth with golden apples.

You cannot put armor on this dragon and it has generally low health. It’s also quite slow (fastest in cold and frozen biomes, slowest in the desert, swamp, and savanna). However, it can shoot huge ice cubes! Perfect for crushing your enemies. You must interact with your dragon when riding it.

How To Grow Your Own Hydra (aka Hydra Draconis):

  • Step 1: Visit a Windswept Forest at night, find yourself a Lumberbad, like this one:

  • Step 2: Defeat this woody beast, you must ‘hit’ it (interact) with an iron axe before you can damage it. Hopefully it drops a Hydra spawn egg. It may drop a forest dragon egg (rare). It may even drop a wooden trophy for posterity.
  • Step 3: Put that egg down in extreme hills above level 200 at night.
  • Step 4: Wait for it to hatch (it will start to wobble when it’s almost ready).

If you want a “display” egg. You need to progress to Step 3 and interact with the egg whilst holding a poisonous potato. It will never hatch and you can chop it up and place it wherever you like. One for the collectors!

You must tame it with Dragon Food, which can be made like this (glow lichen and cod):

You can heal all dragons with this stuff. You can speed up the growth of this dragon with golden apples (ouch). Hydra dragons have the highest potential health (up to 250) and are fast over oceans. They’ll sleep at night too if you don’t disturb them.

Fight Your Own Evil Dragon (aka Draco Malus):

We have right here a very different dragon to what you’re probably used to. This one doesn’t like you, the Player, one little bit and has a variety of attacks (flame, lightning, teleport) to use against you.

  • Step 1: Visit a swamp, at night, and find yourself a troll.
  • Step 2: Defeat said the troll, hopefully, it drops a Draco Malus spawn egg.
  • Step 3: Prepare yourself for a fight, this dragon will wreak havoc on the environment so don’t put this egg down in the middle of your favorite base.
  • Step 4: Spawn the Draco Malus and… Best of luck!

This dragon drops some awesome including some interesting maps. Different each time, so you may want to defeat a few. Good luck with that. They also attack pillagers, because, why not!

How To Grow Your Own End Drake (aka Nonalis):

  • Step 1: Visit windswept hills, venture underground, and find yourself a Rock Monster.
  • Step 2: Defeat this stony beast, hopefully, it drops a Nonalis spawn egg.
  • Step 3: Put that egg down in extreme hills, not underground (you have to be able to see the sky when you look up), at or below level 3. Have fun with that!
  • Step 4: Wait for it to hatch (it will start to wobble when it’s almost ready).

  • Step 5: Tame with Golden Carrots. Speed up the growth with Tropical Fish.

This dragon has no wings! But s/he can really jump and glide. The fastest ascending dragon so far. To make them jump higher, look higher when you jump. Heal with tropical fish, cod, salmon, carrots, golden carrots, beef, and chicken.

If you want a “display” egg. You need to progress to Step 3 and interact with the egg whilst holding a feather. It will never hatch and you can chop it up and place it wherever you like. One for the collectors!

How To Grow Your Own End Dragon (aka Tenebris):

  • Step 1: Visit extreme hills, venture underground, and find yourself a Rock Monster.
  • Step 2: Defeat this stony beast, hopefully, it drops a Tenebris spawn egg.
  • Step 3: Put that egg down in The End (of course) and make sure it’s underground!
  • Step 4: Wait for it to hatch (it will start to wobble when it’s almost ready).

  • Step 5: Tame with golden apples. Wait for it to grow up! Or, speed up its growth with Eyes Of Ender (for the impatient).

This dragon is a medium-speed flyer, but can only fly in The End (unless you do some trickery with teleportation!). They can be healed with Eyes of Ender, golden apples, end rods, ender pearls, beetroot, and beetroot seeds. One very cool feature is, as they are about to descend into the Void, they will fly straight up! Thereby guaranteeing they will never fall into the Void. And neither will you! (If you’re riding one at a time!!)

If you want a “display” egg. You need to progress to Step 3 and interact with the egg whilst holding a dirt or grass block. It will never hatch and you can chop it up and place it wherever you like. One for the collectors!

How To Grow Your Own Lightning Dragon (aka Fulmina):

  • Step 1: Visit windswept hills, venture underground, and find yourself a Rock Monster. Like this one:

  • Step 2: Defeat this stony beast, hopefully it drops a Fulmina spawn egg.
  • Step 3: Put that egg down in extreme hills, underground, and below level 30.
  • Step 4: Wait for it to hatch (it will start to wobble when it’s almost ready).
  • Step 5: Tame with fire charges. Wait for it to grow up!

This dragon is a medium-speed flyer, but can’t ascend as quickly as other dragons. They can be healed with fire charges, honeycomb, redstone and cod. Their particularly special feature is they can attack with lightning strikes, but only at night time.

If you want a “display” egg. You need to progress to Step 3 and interact with the egg whilst holding a snow block. It will never hatch and you can chop it up and place it wherever you like. One for the collectors!

How To Grow Your Own Cave Dragon (aka Spelunca):

  • Step 1: Visit windswept hills, venture underground, and at night, find yourself a Rock Monster. Like the one above.
  • Step 2: Defeat this stony beast, hopefully, it drops a Spelunca spawn egg.
  • Step 3: Put that egg down in extreme hills, underground, and below level 30 (same as the Fulmina).
  • Step 4: Wait for it to hatch (it will start to wobble when it’s almost ready).
  • Step 5: Tame with netherwart. Wait for it to grow up!

This dragon is a bit of a night owl. It doesn’t like daylight and won’t fly during the day. It likes to sleep during the day, but only if underground. On the positive side this dragon is very fast at night.

Heal with coal, coal blocks, charcoal, flint, and netherwart.

If you want a “display” egg. You need to progress to Step 3 and interact with the egg whilst holding a sea lantern or a glowstone block. It will never hatch and you can chop it up and place it wherever you like. One for the collectors!

How To Grow Your Own Forest Dragon (aka Nemus Draco):

  • Step 1: Visit a swamp, at night, and find yourself a troll. Like this one:

  • Step 2: Defeat said troll, hopefully it drops a Nemus Draco spawn egg.
  • Step 3: Find a forest, place the egg down above level 100.
  • Step 4: Wait for it to hatch (it starts to wobble).

  • Step 5: When it hatches, tame your baby dragon with a Dark Oak Sapling.

The Lumberbad also drops these eggs (quite rare though).

If you want a “display” egg. You need to progress to Step 3 and interact with the egg whilst holding a dead bush. It will never hatch and you can chop it up and place it wherever you like. One for the collectors!

This dragon is not much of a flyer. In fact, the smallest one you can’t even saddle (you can still armor it, sooooo cute). When flying the bigger ones you might find getting them in the air a bit of a challenge. They’ll eventually plummet to the earth anyway, or if you get too high, same thing.

Heal them with saplings, leaves, potatos, carrots, tall grass, beetroot seeds, beetroot, bread, poisonous potatos (they love ’em!), wheat seeds, wheat. Strict vegetarians!

How To Grow Your Own Sand Dragon (aka Sabulo):

  • Step 1: Visit a swamp, at night, find yourself a troll.
  • Step 2: Defeat the troll, hopefully it drops a Sabulo egg.
  • Step 3: Go to the desert and place down your egg below level 50.

  • Step 4: Wait for it to hatch (it starts to wobble).
  • Step 5: When it hatches, tame your baby dragon with cooked cactus (green dye).

If you want a “display” egg. You need to progress to Step 3 and interact with the egg whilst holding cooked cactus (green dye). It will never hatch and you can chop it up and place it wherever you like. Another one for the collectors!

The Sabulo is generally a slower dragon, however in Savanna and especially Desert biomes it will be quite speedy!

How To Grow Your Own Lava Dragon:

WARNING: This is not easy. I’m going to regret this, I know it. But at the end you’ll have one of these:

  • Step 1: Visit a swamp, at night, find yourself a troll, same as for the Sabulo.
  • Step 2: Defeat said troll, hopefully they drop a lava wyvern spawn egg (or a glacio egg), like this one:

If not, back to Step 1 for you.

  • Step 3: Buckle up, here’s where it gets hard. Get to level 10 or below, if you attempt to place the egg above level 10 it will instantly dissolve into lava. Wait until midnight, if you attempt to place the egg when it’s not (around) midnight, guess what? It will instantly dissolve into lava. Once it’s midnight (use those generally-useless Minecraft clocks), and you’re below y level 10, place it down:

Note the clock position – that’s midnight

  • Step 4: Set fire to the block it’s resting on and immediately put the fire out or your egg will burn up. It doesn’t need much flame to wake it up.

  • Step 5: Wait.
  • Step 6: Wait more, maybe until morning, maybe until the next night. Patience is the key here.
  • Step 7: It will hatch! And you’ll have one of these:

Your heart will surely melt

  • Step 8: Tame it, tame it, tame it! With cod.

  • Step 9: Wait for it to grow up. It will take a long time, but you will see it getting bigger over time. And it will look super cute following you everywhere. It will grow to one of three sizes, the biggest size taking the longest.
  • Step 10: Saddle it, armor it (you need netherite dragon armor, make it with a 2×2 netherite ingot recipe). Fly it around! You should be proud of yourself.

If you want a “display” egg. You need to progress to Step 3 and bucket it with water. It will never hatch and you can chop it up and place it wherever you like. One for the collectors!

How To Grow Your Own Ice Dragon:

NO WARNING: This is much easier than the Lava Dragon.

Repeat step 1 above (defeat a troll in a swamp, get a spawn egg).

Then, go to a cold or frozen biome, ascend to 90 blocks or higher, and place that egg down. Easy! When it starts to wobble it will hatch shortly. Note extreme hills are not a cold or frozen biome. I know right, there’s snow! Seems cold to me too. Frozen ocean or ice plains are probably the easiest to find.

Tame that baby dragon with tropical fish! You have to wait for the dragon to be fully grown before you can saddle or armor them. Hold a saddle or armor and right-click the dragon (or long-press if you’re on mobile) to saddle or armor them.

Don’t tell me you don’t want one…

If you want a “display” egg. You need to put down a spawn egg as above (‘y’ > 90) and bucket it with lava. It will never hatch and you can chop it up and place it wherever you like. One for the collectors!


How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Grow Your Own Dragon Addon (1.19, 1.18) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19, 1.18

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