Gulliver Reborn Mod 1.12.2 (Change the Player’s Size Like Ant-Man)
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August 1, 2019
Gulliver Reborn Mod 1.12.2 adds some of the features from the old Gulliver Mod back into version 1.12.2.
- /mysize (/ms) command to change the player’s size
- /basesize (/bs) command to change another player’s size
- Climbing blocks while holding a slimeball if small
- Gliding while holding paper while small
- Picking up tinier players and putting them on your head
- Mounting taller players with string
- Lit furnaces, fire, and lava make you rise when gliding over them with paper
- Giants have more health + damage
- Giants mine faster
- Giants jump higher
- Small players get crushed by larger entities
- Other than spiders and ocelots, mobs don’t see small players
Big boi staring down at you mortals
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