GWarp Plugin (1.19, 1.18) – Spigot
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September 25, 2022
GWarp Plugin (1.19, 1.18) is a huge Warp and Home Plugin with a lot of Settings and Functions that all can be changed by you in the Plugin-Config and the Lang-Files.
- 100% customizable
- Very good performance
Safe-Warp Feature:
- If the Safe-Warp feature is active, you can teleport to this setup:
- If the Safe-Warp feature is active, you can’t teleport to this setup:
A huge amount of settings to customize!
- Warp-Cooldown
- Warp-Particle-Effects
- Warp-Teleport-Sounds
- Warp-Passwords
- Tab-Complete for all Commands
- Warp-Toplist
- Warp-Visitor-Counter
- Warp-Welcome-Messages
- Can set endless Warps
Private Homes
- Can set endless Homes
- /gwarp <Warpname>
- /gwarp help
- /gwarp top
- /gwarp list <Number>
- /gwarp set <Warpname>
- /gwarp delete <Warpname>
- /gwarp update <Warpname>
- /gwarp welcome <Warpname> <Text>/clear
- /gwarp warps [<Playername>]
- /gwarp lock <Warpname>
- /gwarp owner <Warpname>
- /gwarp password <Warpname> [<Password>/clear]
- /gwarp effect [<Warpname>] [<Effectname>/clear]
- /gwarp sound [<Warpname>] [<Soundname>/clear]
OP-Permission: GWarp.*
Version-Update: GWarp.Update
- GWarp.Warp.*
- GWarp.WarpAmount.*
- GWarp.WarpAmount.<AmountNumber>
- GWarp.Warp
- GWarp.WarpTimeIgnore
- GWarp.WarpTop
- GWarp.WarpList
- GWarp.WarpSet
- GWarp.WarpDelete
- GWarp.WarpUpdate
- GWarp.WarpWelcome
- GWarp.WarpWarps
- GWarp.WarpWarpsOther
- GWarp.WarpLock
- GWarp.WarpLockIgnore
- GWarp.WarpOwner
- GWarp.WarpPassword
- GWarp.WarpEffect
- GWarp.WarpSound
- GWarp.WarpPasswordIgnore
- GWarp.WarpSaveIgnore
- GWarp.AWarp.*
- GWarp.AWarp
- GWarp.AWarpWarp
- GWarp.AWarpSet
- GWarp.AWarpDelete
- GWarp.AWarpUpdate
- GWarp.AWarpWelcome
- GWarp.AWarpLock
- GWarp.AWarpSetOwner
- GWarp.AWarpReset
- GWarp.AWarpPassword
- GWarp.AWarpEffect
- GWarp.AWarpSound
- GWarp.AWarpCount
- GWarp.Home.*
- GWarp.HomeAmount.*
- GWarp.HomeAmount.<AmountNumber>
- GWarp.Home
- GWarp.HomeTimeIgnore
- GWarp.HomeSet
- GWarp.HomeDelete
- GWarp.HomeUpdate
- GWarp.HomeHomes
- GWarp.HomeBack
- GWarp.GWarpReload
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugin’s directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.
GWarp Plugin (1.19, 1.18) Download Links
For All Versions from Minecraft Spigot 1.7 to Minecraft Spigot 1.19
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