Adrian (aka h_Yng) One Player Sleep Addon (1.19, 1.18) is an addon that is widely used in Multiplayer in Minecraft. This addon, on the other hand, is useful to addon community users and creators since this is compatible with other add-ons. Moreover, it does not use any “player.json”. By just simply sleeping at night with the vanilla bed in multiplayer, it will turn to day after 3 seconds as default and is configurable depending on how many in-game seconds you like.


How to install:

There are 2 ways you can install this addon to your device:

  • 1. You can directly install or import the addon by importing or installing it in mcaddon format to the Minecraft Pocket / Bedrock Edition.
  • 2. You can rename the .mcaddon to “.zip” and extract it as the folder, then copy the folder into the Minecraft -> Behavior Packs (directory). There you can restart your Minecraft, and see your behavior pack in-game.


Make sure you TURN ON the following features or capabilities in the game:

  • Holiday Creator Features
  • GameTest Framework
  • To fully activate the Script Addon.

h_Yng’s One Player Sleep Addon (1.19, 1.18) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19, 1.18

Behavior: Download from Server 1

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