Halloween Creatures Command Block
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October 19, 2015
- Skeleton Miner
- Scarecrow
- Pumpkin Man
- Miner Pickaxe
- Unholy Hay
- The Pumpkin Staff
How to find/spawn the mobs:
- A Skeleton Miner will spawn when a skeleton comes within three blocks of any minecart – or – rename a skeleton spawn egg to: Skeleton_Miner
- A Scarecrow spawns when a zombie walks on tilled soil – or – rename a zombie spawn egg to: Scarecrow
- A Pumpkin Man will spawn when a zombie walks on a pumpkin or jack o’ lantern – or – rename a zombie spawn egg to: Pumpkin_Man
How to get the items:
- A Miner Pickaxe will sometimes drop from a Skeleton Miner as well as an iron ingot and a diamond
- An Unholy Hay will somtimes drop from a Scarecrow
- The Pumpkin Staff will sometimes drop from a Pumpkin Man
To list all of the nearby new mobs type in the following command: /testfor @e[tag=Custom_Mob] you can also kill all of the nearby new mobs by typing in this command: /kill @e[tag=Custom_Mob]
Command Block Showcase:
How to install:
- To add any one-command creation to your world, first give yourself a command block with /give @p minecraft:command_block.
- Next, place it and paste the following command inside it.
For Minecraft 1.9
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