Hammerz Mod 1.11.2, 1.10.2 for Minecraft
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January 13, 2016
Hammerz mod 1.11.2, 1.10.2 is a small mod which simply adds in a TiC style hammer item to various tool materials (Vanilla, EnderIO’s Dark Steel, Thaumium, Botania’s Manatseel and Elementium, RotaryCraft’s HSLA Steel and Bedrock, Steel, Copper, Tin, Bronze, Invar, Ferrous, Silver, Lead, Electrum, and Shiny so far).
- Unity style textures, enabled by default
- “Fitting” textures, enabled via config
- Each hammer is made in the shape of a pickaxe in the crafting table, with the representative ore dictionary registered blocks instead of ingots (eg Any mod’s Copper Blocks for the Copper Hammer)
- Hammers mine in a 3×3 pattern, just like Hammers from other mods
- Unlike in Tinkers Construct, when you right click on a block with a hammer, it will search you inventory for torches and place one if you have any, you do not need to have torches in your hotbar.
- ***Sneaking while mining will only mine one block, this may be configured to take extra damage or go slower in the future***
- Hammers can be repaired with the same blocks/items that were used to make them.
- Although registered from the existence of any instance of the matching Ore Dictionary block, the materials have values I picked from specific mods.
- Copper, Tin, Bronze, Ferrous, Invar, Silver, Lead, Electrum and Shiny are all based off of Thermal Foundation.
- Steel is based of off Railcraft Steel.
- Thaumium is based off of Thaumcraft’s Thaumium.
- The Dark Steel hammer functions is meant to follow the Dark Steel concept from EnderIO and can be upgrades similarly to the other Dark Steel tools
- Applicable upgrade is empowerment 1-4, but the needed items are different; the hammer has a much larger durability and max amount of energy it can store
- Check the tooltips for information, the Dark Steel hammer inherits properties from the EnderIO config file, such as obsidian speed bonus and enchantment costs
- Should be able to be charged in any fashion that other RF compatible items can be, but needs to have at least “Empowered I” beforehand
- Pulls some localization from the EnderIO lang file which is likely to always have more translations than this one’s.
- The Thaumium hammer will be enchantable with repair I&II like the other thaumium tools.
- Botania hammers: Manasteel and Elementium (no Terrasteel as it already performs too similar of a function)
- Both will be chargeable via mana, and repairable. This happens in the exact same manner as Botania’s tools.
- Elementium Hammer will not drop “junk” (Cobble, Netherrack etc)
- RotaryCraft HSLA hammer is a regular ore-Dictionary registered hammer
- RotaryCraft Bedrock hammer has silk touch and is made in the Blast Furnace in the same manner as the Bedrock Pick but with Bedrock Ingot Blocks replacing the ingots. It cannot take damage.
How to install:
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