Hearth Well Mod (1.18.2, 1.12.2) – Make Items from Other Items
With Hearth Well Mod (1.18.2, 1.12.2), all Minecraft resources are available through progression. Without leaving your house you will get the materials you need to build and craft everything you need. Between crafting simple blocks and building multi-block structures, you will never be idle. The objectives of this mod are that you build the machines you need (and hopefully have fun doing it) to give purpose to your home space and that everything is as simple as possible, without complex GUI’s or numbers, while still having enough diversity to keep you engaged to progress through the mod. Works well in a flat stone world if the player is given a seed of life to start. May also be used in a skyblock, stoneblock, or normal world.
In this page, you will find most of the blocks and items required to progress through the mod and will give you a general idea of how most crafting mechanics work.
The Crushing Block: This block will let you shatter materials into its smaller components.
Myst Dust can be multiplied by infusing grass with it and waiting.
This dust is needed for most of the mod.
Different crystal shards are required for many items throughout the mod but are easily obtained from mysterious trees.
The Generator Block: This block will generate energy from lava to your other machines.
Produces energy in a radius of 10 blocks.
The Freezer: Will freeze water into snow or ice, and lava into obsidian.
Has 5 radius and consumes 30 energy per operation.
The Precision Grinder: A multiblock structure that allows you to grind your materials into other ones. Requires a Grinding Wheel to be inserted, but not all operations are available for every grinding wheel. Be careful not to grind big stacks of materials or the grinder can jam and the grinding wheel can jump out.
The Precision Grinder can be used as an early form of resource multiplication as it will slightly increase the yield of mined ores.
Requires 100 Energy per Operation.
Different crystal shards are required for many items throughout the mod
but are easily obtained from mysterious trees.
Core Blocks and Shards: Use the various shards (that you got from crushing crystals) on the cores to infuse them with that shard element. Then feed the infused core the required materials to transform it into something else.
Craft and use the Obsidian Displacer to get obsidian before having a diamond pickaxe. This lets you build the Nether Portal with no diamonds.
Obtain Nether Crystals by sending your crystals through the nether portal into the Nether.
The Heat Furnace: A multiblock structure that will cook and smelt without delay or consumption of materials. It will, however, sometimes consume some water from the top.
Requires 100 Energy per Operation.
The Separator: A multiblock structure that allows you to divide complex constructions into its components.
The components will exit the machine in the various outputs.
Requires 100 Energy per Operation.
A mod about making Minecraft items from other Minecraft items.
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Hearth Well Mod (1.18.2, 1.12.2) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.12.2
Forge version: Download from Server 1
For Minecraft 1.18.2
Forge version: Download from Server 1