If you’re a Minecraft enthusiast looking to elevate your gameplay, this article is for you. We’ve compiled a list of 20 essential tips from a popular Minecraft video tutorial that will help you become a more proficient player. Let’s dive in!

1. Buried Treasure (Java Only)


2. Stronghold (Java Only)

Strongholds are structures that occur naturally in the game. They are significant as they house end portals, which are the gateway to the End dimension. Strongholds can be found using Eye of Enders  and each world has a limited number of them. Remember, these structures are exclusive to the Java edition. Inside the stronghold, you’ll find various rooms, including libraries, storage rooms, and the end portal room. Be prepared to face silverfish, as they spawn from broken infested blocks within the stronghold.

3. Speed Portal

Minecraft Speedrunning Nether Portal Tutorial - YouTube

Speed portals can significantly reduce your travel time in Minecraft. These portals are created using obsidian and can be used to travel between the Overworld and the Nether. The key to using speed portals effectively is to create a network of portals in both dimensions, allowing you to travel large distances in the Overworld quickly. Remember, one block traveled in the Nether equates to eight blocks in the Overworld, making it a fast travel hub.

4. Fortune Crops

Minecraft - Does the Fortune Enchantment Work on Crops? - Gamer Empire

Fortune crops can be a great source of food and other resources. These crops, such as wheat, carrots, and potatoes, can yield more produce when harvested with a Fortune-enchanted tool. This can be a great way to increase your food supply or trade with villagers. The Fortune enchantment increases the maximum number of drops by 1 per level (maximum level of III), but it doesn’t increase the drop rate.

5. TNT Enderman

Another strategy to deal with Endermen is to trap them in a boat. This method is safer and requires less resources. Simply place a boat near an Enderman, and it will get trapped in it, allowing you to attack it without the risk of it teleporting away. This is a great strategy for early-game players who may not have strong weapons or armor.

Endermen can be challenging to deal with, but with a TNT, you can take them down easily. The trick is to lure the Enderman into the blast radius of the TNT. This method can be risky, but it’s an effective way to deal with these tall, teleporting creatures. Be sure to place the TNT strategically and ignite it at the right time to ensure the Enderman gets caught in the explosion.

6. Boat Enderman

Another strategy to deal with Endermen is to trap them in a boat. This method is safer and requires less resources. Simply place a boat near an Enderman, and it will get trapped in it, allowing you to attack it without the risk of it teleporting away. This is a great strategy for early-game players who may not have strong weapons or armor.

7. One Tall Mining

One tall mining is a technique that can help you mine more efficiently. It involves mining in a one-block high space. This method can be slower than traditional mining, but it allows you to cover more ground and find more ores. It’s especially effective when looking for rare ores like diamonds. To mine in a one-block high space, you’ll need to use a potion of the Turtle Master to reduce your size.

8. Subtitles

Subtitles can help you identify the source of sounds in the game. This can be particularly useful when you’re trying to locate a mob or a specific block. Subtitles can be enabled in the game settings and will appear at the bottom of the screen, indicating the direction and type of the sound. This feature can be a great help for players with hearing impairments or for those who play with the sound off.

9. Cords

Cords, or coordinates, can help you navigate the Minecraft world. They represent your location in the game world and can be displayed on the screen by pressing F3 (on PC). Understanding how to read and use coordinates can be crucial when exploring or trying to find your way back home. The coordinates are displayed as X, Y, and Z, representing your horizontal, vertical, and depth position respectively.

10. Elder Guardian Location

Minecraft Elder Guardian: Locations, Attacks, drops and more!

Elder Guardians are one of the boss mobs in Minecraft. They are found in ocean monuments and can inflict the Mining Fatigue effect, making mining impossible. Knowing their location can help you prepare for the battle, either by bringing the necessary potions or by avoiding the monument altogether. The Elder Guardian is a formidable opponent with a powerful laser attack, so be sure to bring strong armor and weapons.

11. Gold

Gold is a valuable resource in Minecraft. It can be used to craft a variety of items, including powered rails and golden apples. Gold ore is usually found in the lower levels of the world, and mining it requires an iron pickaxe or better. Remember to smelt the ore in a furnace to get gold ingots. Gold can also be used in bartering with Piglins in the Nether.

12. Sponge

Minecraft: How to Make or Find Sponge

Sponges can be used to remove water from a specific area. They can be particularly useful when building underwater structures or when trying to empty a water-filled structure like an ocean monument. Sponges can be found in ocean monuments or can be dropped by Elder Guardians. A wet sponge can be dried in a furnace and reused, making it a renewable resource.

13. Boat Fall

Boats can be used to prevent fall damage. If you’re falling from a high place, simply place a boat and get in it before hitting the ground. This can be a lifesaver when exploring high places or when escaping from enemies. The boat absorbs all the fall damage, allowing you to fall from any height without harm.

14. Toggle Shift

Toggle shift is a feature that allows you to sneak automatically. This can be useful in various situations, such as when building at high altitudes or when trying to avoid detection by enemies. To use toggle shift, you need to change your sneak settings to “Toggle” in the game settings. This allows you to sneak without having to hold down the shift key.

15. 5 Render Distance

Reducing your render distance to 5 can improve game performance without significantly affecting gameplay. This can be particularly useful on slower computers or when playing in large worlds. Remember, a lower render distance means the game has to load fewer chunks, which can significantly improve frame rates. However, it also means you’ll be able to see fewer chunks in the distance.

16. Moving Villagers

Moving villagers can be a challenging task. Villagers tend to wander around, making it difficult to get them to a specific location. However, there are several methods to move villagers, such as using boats, minecarts, or even leads. Choose the method that best suits your situation and resources. Remember, villagers can pick up jobs and breed, so moving them can be beneficial for creating a thriving village.

17. Villager Trap

A villager trap can help you keep villagers in a specific location. This can be useful when you’re trying to build a village or when you want to keep certain villagers safe. A simple trap can be made using a hole in the ground, but remember to provide enough light to prevent hostile mobs from spawning. Villagers can be lured into the trap using food or by ringing the village bell.

18. Enderpearl Boat

An Enderpearl boat can be used to travel long distances quickly. Simply throw an Enderpearl into a boat and get in the boat before the pearl lands. This will teleport you along with the boat, allowing you to cover large distances quickly. This method requires some practice, but it can be a fun and efficient way to explore the Minecraft world.

19. Riptide Flight

Riptide flight is a technique that allows you to fly using a trident and the Riptide enchantment. When thrown, the trident will pull you along with it, allowing you to fly through the air. This method is especially effective in rainy weather or when underwater. Remember, the trident will take damage each time you use it, so be sure to repair it with an anvil and some prismarine shards.

20. Wither (Java Only)

How to find and defeat the Wither in Minecraft | Rock Paper Shotgun

The Wither is one of the boss mobs in Minecraft. It can be summoned by placing soul sand and wither skeleton skulls in a specific pattern. Defeating the Wither can be a significant challenge, but the rewards, including the Nether Star, are worth it. Remember, this feature is exclusive to the Java edition. The Nether Star can be used to create a beacon, a powerful item that can provide status effects to players within its range.

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