Fireworks are items and entities that can be used for creating decorative explosions, boosting when flying with elytra, and loading into a crossbow as ammunition. They are one of the most fun and versatile features in Minecraft.

In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about fireworks in Minecraft 1.20, including how to craft them, how to customize them, how to use them, and how to avoid common problems with them.

How to Craft Fireworks in Minecraft 1.20

To craft fireworks in Minecraft 1.20, you need three ingredients: paper, gunpowder, and firework stars.

Paper is made from sugar cane in a crafting table. You need one paper for each firework rocket.

Gunpowder is dropped by creepers, ghasts, witches, or found in chests in dungeons or desert temples. You need one to three gunpowder for each firework rocket.

Firework stars are optional, but they add explosion effects and colors to the fireworks. They are made from gunpowder and one or more dyes in a crafting table. You can also add other ingredients, such as glowstone dust, diamond, or feather, to create different shapes and effects for the firework stars.

To craft a firework rocket with a firework star, place one paper in the center slot of the crafting table, one firework star in any adjacent slot, and one to three gunpowder in any other slots.

To craft a firework rocket without a firework star, place one paper in the center slot of the crafting table and one to three gunpowder in any other slots.

You can craft up to three firework rockets at a time with this method.

You can also use a dispenser or a crafting table with nine slots to craft up to nine firework rockets at a time with this method.

How to Customize Fireworks in Minecraft 1.20

You can customize fireworks in Minecraft 1.20 by using different types of firework stars.

Firework stars have two main properties: color and effect.

Color is determined by the dye or dyes you use to craft the firework star. You can use up to eight different dyes for each firework star, which will create a gradient of colors for the explosion.

Effect is determined by the additional ingredient you use to craft the firework star. You can use one of the following ingredients for each firework star, which will create a different shape or effect for the explosion.

  • Glowstone dust: This will make the explosion twinkle and fade out slowly.
  • Diamond: This will make the explosion burst into a star shape.
  • Feather: This will make the explosion burst into a feather shape.
  • Gold nugget: This will make the explosion burst into a small ball shape.
  • Skull: This will make the explosion burst into a creeper face shape.
  • Fire charge: This will make the explosion burst into a large ball shape.

You can also use multiple firework stars for each firework rocket, which will create multiple explosions with different colors and effects. You can use up to seven firework stars for each firework rocket, but only five if you use additional gunpowder.

How to Use Fireworks in Minecraft 1.20

You can use fireworks in Minecraft 1.20 in three main ways: as decorative explosions, as elytra boosters, and as crossbow ammunition.

To use fireworks as decorative explosions, you need to place them on a solid block or use them from a dispenser or a crossbow. If you place them on a block, they will immediately fly up and explode after a while, depending on the flight duration. If you use them from a dispenser, they will behave the same way as if you placed them on a block. If you use them from a crossbow, they will act as an arrow and fly in the direction you aim. They will explode when they hit an entity or a block, or when they reach their maximum range.

To use fireworks as elytra boosters, you need to equip an elytra and glide in the air. Then, you need to hold a firework rocket in your hand and use it while flying. This will propel you in the direction you are facing and give you a speed boost. The duration of the boost depends on the flight duration of the rocket. If the rocket has an explosion effect, it will also damage you when it explodes.

To use fireworks as crossbow ammunition, you need to load them into a crossbow by holding them in your off-hand and using the crossbow in your main hand. Then, you need to aim and shoot as normal. The firework rocket will fly like an arrow and explode on impact or at its maximum range. The explosion will damage any entities nearby, including yourself if you are too close.

How to Avoid Common Problems with Fireworks in Minecraft 1.20

Fireworks are fun and useful items in Minecraft 1.20, but they also come with some risks and limitations. Here are some common problems with fireworks and how to avoid them.

  • Fireworks can damage you and other entities if they explode near you. To avoid this, keep a safe distance from the explosions, wear armor with blast protection enchantment, or drink a potion of fire resistance.
  • Fireworks can cause lag if there are too many of them in one area. To avoid this, limit the number of fireworks you use at once, reduce the number of firework stars and gunpowder you use for each rocket, or lower your graphics settings.
  • Fireworks can be hard to see in some biomes or weather conditions. To avoid this, choose bright colors and effects for your fireworks, avoid using them in dark or foggy areas, or turn on your brightness settings.
  • Fireworks can be hard to control when flying with elytra or shooting with crossbow. To avoid this, practice your flying and aiming skills, adjust your sensitivity settings, or use rockets with shorter flight duration.


Fireworks are one of the most fun and versatile features in Minecraft 1.20. You can craft them, customize them, and use them for various purposes. You can also avoid some common problems with them by following some simple tips.

We hope this guide helped you learn how to use fireworks in Minecraft 1.20. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below.

Happy crafting and exploding!

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