Hungering Darkness Mod 1.12.2 (The Darkness Slowly Eats Away at You)
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October 20, 2021
Hungering Darkness Mod 1.12.2 aims to provide modpack makes as well as players another hazard to their world, darkness itself! Simply put, being in the dark for too long results in the player receiving damage, until they eventually die, consumed by darkness. The mod comes with configuration options allowing you to control just about all aspects of it (see the section further down).
This mod provides the following:
- Darkness is now a hazard, as being in an unlit area for too long starts to wear down your health
- A built-in timer that controls when you start to receive damage from the darkness (increases when you’re in a dark enough area, then decreases when you’re not)
- You can configure how long it takes before you start to take damage, the time between each hit, and how much damage is dealt
- You can configure in which dimension the darkness hurts you
- You can configure which light level is considered dark enough, and also a total darkness light level which speeds up the time before you take damage and doubles the damage dealt.
- It has support for AtomicStryker’s Dynamic Lights, allowing you to use handheld light sources as a means to prevent the darkness from hurting you (there’s a list in the config in which you can add any handheld light sources you might’ve set up in that mods config).
- It has support for Game Stages, allowing you to define stages where the darkness doesn’t hurt you, and stages where it does (there are two lists in the config where you assign a priority to a stage, and the stage with the highest priority currently present on the player decides if they are hurt or not)
Here are the configuration options provided in Hungering Darkness:
How to install:
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