If you have ever explored the world of RLCraft, you will surely know the mighty creatures that are dragons. But unfortunately, this mod only supports PCsplayer. However, don’t worry! With Ice and Fire Addon (1.21, 1.20) for Bedrock, you can also experience battles with powerful dragons right on your smartphone. The special thing is that this addon has been improved and balanced to better suit the playing experience on the phone. So you can not only fight dragons but also experience a great way on your MCBE. Prepare for thrilling and challenging matches with this addon!


Let’s talk about dragons first because these are the most focused creatures, in the addon dragons are divided into 3 types: Fire, ice, lightning.

Fire Dragon: is a dangerous classified mob that spawns in the plains around the world they will spawn in 4 sizes

  • **+ Dimension 1: will have health from 20 – 102 and with damage of 10
  • + size 2: will have health from ***102 – 204 and with damage of 14*
  • + size 3: Will have health from 208 – 316 and with damage of 19
  • + size 4: will have health from 318 – 452 and with damage 24
  • // size 4 will spawn under their caves instead of nests like other sizes

They also come in 4 colors:

Fire dragons will shoot fireballs if their target is far away and will attack the target with their breath if the target is back, when switched to flying state the fire dragon will flap its wings to deal massive damage

Ice Dragon: is a dangerous mob that spawns in cold regions around your world. They will spawn in 4 sizes.

  • **+ Dimension 1: will have health from 20 – 102 and with damage of 10
  • + size 2: will have health from ***102 – 204 and with damage of 14*
  • + size 3: Will have health from 208 – 316 and with damage of 19
  • + size 4: will have health from 318 – 452 and with damage 24
  • // size 4 will spawn under their caves instead of nests like other sizes

They also come in 4 colors:

Fire dragons will shoot ice balls if their target is far away and will attack the target with their breath if the target is back, when in flight the ice dragon will flap its wings to deal massive damage.

Lightning Dragon: is a dangerous mob that spawns in hills throughout your world. It will spawn in 4 sizes.

  • **+ Size 1: will have health from 20 – 102 and with damage of 10
  • + size 2: will have health from ***102 – 204 and with damage of 14*
  • + size 3: Will with health from 208 – 316 and with damage of 19
  • + size 4: will have health from 318 – 452 and with damage of 24

They also have 4 colors:

Thunder dragon: It will fire a lightning ball if its target is far away and will attack the target with its breath if the target is back, when in flight the lightning dragon will flap its wings to deal massive damage

When killing dragons, players can loot their corpses to get bones to make weapons, scales to make armor, and skulls to use to make dragon staff.


If you use a glass jar, you will receive a dragon health pot depending on the type of dragon

  • Fire dragon blood bottle helps enhance fire attacks and deal more damage if you hit an ice dragon.
  • Ice dragon blood bottle helps strengthen slow attacks and deal more damage if you hit a fire dragon.
  • Lightning dragon blood bottle helps strengthen your attacks. At the same time, deals additional damage if it hits ice and fire dragons

(Players can also drink dragon blood to gain dragon power for a short period of time)

Sea serpent // Water dragon:

  • Is an extremely dangerous creature that appears throughout the seas of the overworld, spreading terror with absolute power!

They spawn in 4 sizes:

  • size 1: 50 health with 12 damage
  • size 2: 100 health with 15 damage
  • size 3: 150 health with 18 damage
  • size 4: 200 health with 21 damage
  • (There is also another size Ancient with 239 with 26 damage )

When killed they can drop scales or teeth.

Their scales when combined with sparkling scales will create sea warrior armor, when the full set of sea warrior gear the player will receive strength and power effects from the heart. of the sea

Their teeth will be used to create a tide trident, a powerful weapon that can be thrown for 16 to 30 damage or melee for 12 damage.

Sea horse // hippocampus:

  • Is a gentle creature that spawns all over the ocean in the overworld.
  • Players can tame them through sponges. When riding the hippocampus, the rider will receive the underwater breathing effect.
  • When the hippocampus dies, it will shed scales and glitter.

The mermaid // siren:

  • Is a dangerous creature that spawns on beaches across the overworld.
  • They will seduce players and eat them with very high damage.
  • When they die, they will drop sparkling scales.

The Cyclop // one-eyed monster:

  • Is a dangerous creature that spawns in its small burrows in the plains of the overworld
  • When any mob comes close they will immediately attack with high damage
  • When they die, they will drop their skin, wool, and sometimes their eyes
  • The cyclops eye when equipped by the player will cause surrounding mobs to suffer a weak effect

Hydra // 9-headed snake:

  • Is a neutral creature that spawns throughout the swamp at an average rate in the overworld.
  • They will attack animals such as sheep, cows, chickens, etc. // do not attack the player. They will gradually remove their heads over a maximum of 9 hours.

Hydra Heart:

  • Each head is a life.
  • When they die they will drop hearts, hearts will help the player receive recovery effects.

Field bird // stym phalain bird:

  • Is a dangerous creature that spawns throughout the plains, and will shoot copper arrows at the player causing quite a bit of damage

When they die they drop their experience:

  • There are also glowing torches, automatic totems that don’t require equipment, trolls, death worms, amphitheres, cannons, dragon crossbows,… almost all of the vanilla mobs have been changed.
  • That’s enough spoilers, you can explore for yourself in your own world with


In addition, the addon also integrates some weapons from Spartan weaponry that you can create and use.

Installation Note:

  • The latest version of this addon only supported Bedrock version 1.20+.
  • Make sure you turn on the Experimental Gameplay.

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Ice and Fire Addon (1.21, 1.20) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20

mcaddon: Download from server 1Download from server 2

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21

Behavior: Download from server 1Download from server 2

Resource: Download from server 1

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