iHouse Mod (1.7.10) adds instant buildings to Minecraft!

iHouse Mod Current buildings:

  1. Birch Wood House
  2. Cave House/Mine
  3. Farm
  4. Watchtower
  5. Nether Wart Farm
  6. Beach House
  7. Boxing Ring
  8. Nether Portal(s)
  9. Small Jail
  10. Igloo
  11. Horse stable
  12. Castle (Creative only)
  13. Bonus House
  14. Greenhouse
  15. Tent
  16. Market Stand
  17. Nether House
  18. Flag Pole
  19. Clearer – Clears 5x5x5 area Caution: Breaks Bedrock
  20. Cozy Cottage
  21. Mining House
  22. Small Warehouse

iHouse Mod Screenshots:


Birch House and Cave House


Farm and Greenhouse and Flag Pole




Nether Wart Farm


Beach House and tents


Boxing Ring and Castle and Bonus House


Nether Portals and Horse Stable and Market Stand


Small Jail and Igloo


Nether House


Mod Showcases:

iHouse Mod Recipes:

New Recipes:

Show Spoiler

empty stack:

stack size 2(can use almost any block in Minecraft):

stack size 4:

stack size 8:

stack size 16:

stack size 32:

stack size 64:

stack size 128:

stack size 256:

stack size 512:

stack tool:


green pencil:

empty blueprint:

‘Instant Structure’ tags:

Birch House:

Cave House:



Nether Wart Farm:

Beach House:

Boxing Ring:

Nether Portal(s):

Small Jail:


Horse Stable:


Bonus House:



Market Stand:

Nether House:

Flag Pole:


Cozy Cottage:

Mining House:

Small Warehouse:

Glass Dome:

Medium Market Stand:

‘Instant Structure’ blueprints(stacks needed)Place ‘instant structure’ tag and following stacks, blocks or items:

Birch House:
-Cobblestone Stack Size 32
-Birch Planks Stack Size 128
-Birch Wood Stack Size 8
-Glass Stack Size 8
Cave House:
-Stone Stack Size 64
-Stone Stack Size 32
-Dirt Stack Size 128
-2 Torches
-Stone Stack Size 64
-Stone Stack Size 16
-Dirt Stack Size 16
-Oak Planks Stack Size 32
-Oak Planks Stack Size 16
-Oak Wood Stack Size 64
-Oak Planks Stack Size 64
-Oak Planks Stack Size 32
-1 Glowstone
Nether Wart Farm:
-Nether Bricks Stack Size 32
-Nether Bricks Stack SIze 16
-Soul Sand Stack Size 16
Beach House:
-Stone Stack Size 16
-Sand Stack Size 64
-Oak Planks Stack Size 128
-Glass Stack Size 32
Boxing Ring:
-Oak Planks Stack Size 128
-White Wool Stack size 32
-Oak Planks Stack Size 32
-White Wool Stack Size 16
Nether Portal(s):
-Stone Bricks Stack Size 32
-Obsidian Stack Size 32
-Obsidian Stack Size 4
-Netherack Stack Size 4
-Stone Stack Size 16
Small Jail:
-Stona Stack Size 64
-1 Block of Iron
-Snow Block Stack Size 128
Horse Stable:
-Cobblestone Stack Size 32
-Oak Wood Stack Size 16
-Stone Bricks Stack Size 16
-Oak Planks Stack Size 32
-Dirt Stack Size 32
-Stone Bricks Stack Size 512
-Stone Bricks Stack Size 128
-Oak Planks Stack Size 32
Bonus House:
-Oak Planks Stack Size 64
-Glass Stack Size 16
-Stone Bricks Stack Size 64
-Glass Stack Size 64
-Glass Stack Size 16
-Dirt Stack SIze 32
Tent Wool Stack Size 128
Market Stand:
-Oak Planks Stack Size 32
-Oak Wood Stack Size 16
-White Wool Stack Size 32
Nether House:
-Stone Bricks Stack Size 32
-Nether Brick Stack Size 64
-Glowstone Stack Size 4
-Stone Stack Size 16
Flag Pole:
-White Wool Stack Size 64
-Oak Planks Stack Size 8
-None(just tag)
Cozy Cottage:
-White Wool Stack Size 32
-Stone Stack Size 64
-Cobblestone Stack Size 128
-Oak Planks Stack Size 128
-Stone Bricks Stack Size 64
-Oak Wood Stack Size 32
-Glass Stack Size 8
Mining House:
-Oak Planks Stack Size 128
-Oak Wood Stack Size 64
-Glass Stack Size 8
Small Warehouse:
-Oak Planks Stack Size 256
-Oak Wood Stack Size 32
-Glass Stack Size 4
Glass Dome:
-Stone Stack Size 64
-Glass Stack Size 32
-Glass Stack Size 64
Medium Market Stand:
-Spruce Planks Stack Size 64
-Oak Planks Stack Size 32
-Oak Wood Stack Size 32
-White Wool Stack Size 64
-Red Wool Stack Size 32

To get instant structure block, then place that instant structure’s blueprint to crafting table!

TENTS: Right click it with any wool color to get different color tents(default is green)
FLAG POLES: Right click it with any wool color to get different color flags(default is white)

Old Recipes:

Show Spoiler

Birch House:

Cave House:



Nether Wart Farm:

Beach House:

Boxing Ring:

*You can use any color of wool

Nether Portal(s):

*You can use any type of stone bricks

Small Jail:


Horse Stable:

*You can use any type of stone bricks
*You can use any type of wooden slabs

Bonus House:


*You can use any type of stone bricks


*You can use any color of wool
*Right click it with any wool color to get different color tents(default is green)

Market Stand:

Nether House:

Flag Pole:

*You can use any color of wool
*You can use any wooden planks & slabs
*Right click it with any wool color to get different color tents(default is white)


Cozy Cottage:

*You can use any slabs

Mining House:

*You can use any type of wooden planks and logs

*You can use any type of wooden planks and logs

How to install

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • If one does not exist you can create one.
  • Enjoy the mod.

Download Links for iHouse Mod (1.7.10)

For Minecraft 1.6.4


For Minecraft 1.7.2


For Minecraft 1.7.10

Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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