Immortal Pets Addon (1.20, 1.19) provides several benefits for your Minecraft pets. No one will be able to kill them, and you can tame any vanilla Minecraft animal. You can also ride pets like cows, sheep, pandas, polar bears, iron golem, and more. With the ImmortalPets addon, you can give infinite resistance to your pets.


New Items and addon entities:

Special food for Herbivore:

  • Utility: If you feed your tamed herbivorous animals with this item, you will give them immortality and strength effect for 5 minutes. Also if you carry this item in your HOTBAR while you are near your herbivorous pets, they will have immortality while you are within a 10 block radius of them.
  • As long as you have your tamed pets nearby, they will consume a special food item every 5 minutes.
  • Items to craft it: Any kind of crop like potatoes, carrots, beets, wheat, berries.

Special food for Carnivore:

  • Utility: If you feed your tamed carnivores animals with this item, you will give them immortality and strength effect for 5 minutes. Also if you carry this item in your HOTBAR while you are near your carnivore pets, they will have immortality while you are within a 10-block radius of them.
  • As long as you have your tamed pets nearby, they will consume a special food item every 5 minutes.
  • Items to craft it: Any kind of crop like potatoes, carrots, beets, wheat, berries.

The mounting anchor.

  • Utility: If you place this item in the inventory of your tamed rideable pets, they will remain immobile where you leave them. They will not be able to go far or lose.
  • Items to craft it: cobblestone and redstone

Altar of Strength and Altar of Resistance:

  • Utility: These entities give immortality and strength respectively to all TAME animals within a 15-block radius. They cannot be killed and only the owner can remove them by pressing the “Sit” button.
  • Items to craft these entities: The altar of resistance is crafted with special food for herbivores and obsidian, and the altar of strength is crafted with food for carnivores and obsidian.

How to make your pets immortal?

They must first be tamed, you cannot give immortality to a wild animal.

You have 3 methods to choose from:

  • 1. Feed your tamed pet with special food depending on whether it is herbivorous or carnivorous.
  • 2. Place the Altar of Strength and Resistance within a 15-block radius of the pets you want to make immortal.
  • 3. Place pet food in your hotbar and stay close to your pets, within a 10-block range.

After the effect time ends, your pets will become immortal again until you feed them again. Except when they are near the altars as these give unlimited immortality.

Here are some of the immortal pets:

Animal: Bee

  • Item to tame it: flowers
  • Rideable?: No
  • inventory?: No
  • Sittable?: Yes.
  • Item to give immortality for 5 minutes: Special food for herbivores.

Animal: Chicken

  • Item to tame it: seeds
  • Rideable?: No
  • inventory?: No
  • Sittable?: Yes.
  • Item to give immortality for 5 minutes: Special food for herbivores.

Animal: Fish

  • Item to tame it: seagrass
  • Rideable?: No
  • inventory?: No
  • Sittable?: Yes.
  • Item to give immortality for 5 minutes: Special food for herbivores.

Animal: Hoglin

  • Item to tame it: Crimson fungus
  • Rideable?: No
  • inventory?: No
  • Sittable?: Yes.
  • Item to give immortality for 5 minutes: Special food for herbivores.

Animal: Snow Golem

  • Item to tame it: snowballs
  • Rideable?: No
  • inventory?: No
  • Sittable?: Yes.
  • Item to give immortality for 5 minutes: powder snow bucket

Installation Note:

  • Make sure you turn on the Experimental Gameplay.

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Immortal Pets Addon (1.20, 1.19) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20, 1.19

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