Improving Minecraft Mod 1.11.2, 1.10.2 (Better Animals, Breeding, Mobs, Drops)
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January 1, 2018
Improving Minecraft Mod 1.11.2, 1.10.2 aims to enhance your game experience by adding little things and fixing inconsistencies in the game.. Its purpose is to improve Minecraft by adding little things and fixing inconsistencies in the game. There are a lot of features. You can enable/disable any feature in the config file.
This mod creates a better Minecraft. It makes a ton of improvements to Minecraft with just little tweaks of the vanilla Minecraft game making it a much better Minecraft.
Features and Crafting Recipes:
Farming and Breeding:
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One bonemeal is usually enough to grow a tree
Bonemeal works on cactus
Bonemeal works on sugar cane
Lily pads can be cloned using bonemeal
Gunpowder, magma cream and blaze powder can be used as fertilizers for Nether wart (just like bonemeal on other plants)
Pigs breeding works with apples, melons and bread
Chickens leave feathers from time to time (customizable frequency)
Animals found in the wild are now “Wild animals”, you can make them evolve into farm animals by breeding. Wild animals only drop 2/3 of the regular items on death. When they’re attacked by a player, they fight back. Besides, it is impossible to milk a wild cow or saddle a wild pig, and wild chickens don’t lay eggs. Wild sheeps can be sheared, but it only gives one piece of wool, and will make the animal angry 1 time out of 3. There are no wild horses or rabbits. When two wild animals reproduce, the baby is more evolved than its parents, so you will have to use this new animal for reproduction, and so it goes. The average number of generations from wild to farm animals is customizable (it’s 4 by default).
Mobs and Drops:
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Mobs can have random potion effects on spawning (customizable probability)
Creepers can naturally spawn in “charged” form (customizable probability)
Baby zombies deal less damage
Baby zombies burn during day
Animals killed by fireballs drop cooked meat
Mobs can drop their skull (customizable probability)
Players can drop their head (customizable probability)
Tools, swords and armors dropped by mobs are less damaged
Horses and squids drop meat (it is automatically disabled if you have installed Lots of Food mod that has the same feature). The drop chance, minimum and maximum of meat dropped is customizable for both creatures.
Bats drop leather
Wolves drop leather
Pigs can sometimes drop leather (customizable probability)
Zombie Pigmen drop cooked porkchops instead of rotten flesh
Witches drop more potions types and more often
Endermen always drop at least one enderpearl
Iron Golems drop 1 or 2 iron blocks (in addition to their normal drops)
Some of the arrows used to kill a mob are retrieved (customizable probability)
Spiders can drop cobweb (customizable probability)
Creepers can drop TNT (customizable probability)
Fire damage and explosions can ignite creepers
Zombie Pigmen can be cured just like Zombie Villagers, and become Pigmen. They are passive creatures but will fight back if attacked. You can trade with them, and they will sometimes buy armor from you to equip it. They drop porkchops upon death.
Hell Hounds randomly spawn in the Nether, with customizable frequency. They are hostile, and their attacks set their target on fire. They can be tamed using Black Bones, dropped by Wither Skeletons (customizable probability), they will then behave like regular dogs. They will also be breedable (this can be disabled in the config file). They drop fire charges or glowstone dust upon death.
Enchanting, Repairing, Brewing:
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Speed enchantment on boots, as powerful as Speed I potion effect (customizable rarity and min level)
Water Walking enchantment on boots, allows players to walk on water (customizable rarity and min level). This enchantment is disabled by default in the config file because there is now a vanilla enchantment with a similar effect: Frost Walker.
Autosmelting enchantment on tools, automatically smelts every harvested item (incompatible with Silk Touch, customizable rarity and min level)
Health bonus enchantment on chestplates, levels 1 to 3, adds as much hearts to the health bar (customizable rarity and min level)
Health Draining enchantment on swords, levels 1 to 2, the attacker drains as much half-hearts from the hit target (customizable rarity and min level)
Combining 2 tools/weapons/armors in the crafting table preserves the enchantments if they are the exactly the same on the 2 items
An enchanted book can be crafted from a book and an undamaged enchanted item (doesn’t work with the hunting knife)
New Items and Crafts:
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Spawn eggs for all the mobs (Enderdragon, Wither, Wither Skeleton, Snow Golem, Iron Golem)
Smooth stone stairs
Hardened clay stairs and slabs
Hay stairs and slabs
Colored flower pots, using same colors as hardened clay
Obsidian sword, not craftable, a bit more powerful than iron, 1250 uses, held and dropped by wither skeletons (customizable probability). This weapon can sometimes inflict a Wither effect to the target.
Craft for saddle
Crafts for horse armors
Craft for nametag
Reversible crafts for blocks of quartz, snow and clay (1 block -> 4 items)
Slabs can be assembled back into full blocks
Wooden fences can be crafted back into 2 sticks
Craft strings for wool (the number of strings obtained is 4 by default, but it is customizable)
Craft for cobweb blocks
Craft paper from wood
Craft sugar from beetroot
Craft water from cactus
Craft ice from water and snow
Craft packed ice from ice
Smelt metal blocks back to ingots: iron doors, cauldrons and minecarts can get you a few iron ingots back
Smelt armors back to ingots: undamaged pieces of iron, chainmail or gold armor can get you a few ingots back
Mining TNT: doesn’t destroy items and has a wider explosion radius
Adamantium ore (requires an iron pickaxe): allows to craft a new set of tools and armors, intermediate between iron and diamond (customizable generation frequency)
Nether brick tools (same power as stone tools):
Small flint tools: similar to wooden tools (deal less damage but have a higher attack speed and mine a bit faster)
Machetes: have as much attack damage as swords, are very efficient to break leaves (and get less damaged from breaking leaves than other blocks), quite efficient to break wood (still less than axes)
Craftable chainmail armor:
Hunting Knife: lower damage and range than sword but higher attack speed and Looting I enchantment on crafting
Wooden bucket: can be filled up with water or milk, but not lava. It can be used instead of iron buckets in the mod’s recipes.
Time scepter: only available in creative mode or using cheats, right click allows you to make a baby animal grow or to make an adult animal be able to breed again, and left click makes a wild animal evolve into a farm animal
Presents: put any item inside a present by a simple craft and offer it to another player! Hold right click when you hold the present to open it. You can also leave your present by putting it somewhere as a block. If the present was renamed using an anvil, its custom name will be displayed above the block, as you can see on the picture below.
Microsoft Carpet: this decorative item works like a regular carpet
Miscellaneous Improvements:
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Burning arrows set blocks on fire
Primed TNT can be defused using shears
Leaves sometimes drop sticks
Harvesting a cactus with bare hands hurts
Cauldrons have infinite water
Dispensers put records in jukeboxes
Cakes, boats, minecarts and beds are stackable by 16
All music discs can be found in dungeons chests
Diamonds can be found in dungeons chests
Poisoned arrows can be generated in jungle temple dispensers
Gold tools and weapons deal more damage (as much as diamond)
Mob spawners can be harvested with a Silk Touch pickaxe (mob type is saved)
All mob spawners are available in creative mode
Arrows standing in blocks drop when the block is broken
Melon generates in more biomes (savanna, roofed forest and swampland)
Command block is available in redstone creative tab
Bookshelves drop themselves instead of books (it’s still possible to get the books back by putting the bookshelf in the crafting table)
Double doors open and close together (this feature is incompatible with Malisis Doors, and will be disabled automatically if this mod is detected)
Weapon and tool DPS (damage per second) is displayed in the item’s tooltip
Additional Options: (disabled by default)
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Endermen don’t pick up blocks
Vines don’t spread
All crops need only one bonemeal to be fully grown
Dangerous fire: fire spreads faster, can’t be put out by punching it (this action can even set the player on fire)
The feature making spawners harvestable with Silk Touch pickaxes works only with a golden pickaxe
Logs can’t be harvested with bare hands, they require axes (this doesn’t affect planks and other wooden blocks). If you want to enable this feature, you should not disable flint tools and sticks dropping from leaves, or you might be stuck in early game.
Wooden tools can’t be crafted anymore (save comment as above)
Hard recipes mode for saddles, horse armors and nametags