Infectum Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) is a mod all about infection and monsters.


  • Strange Statue:
    • Placing a strange statue will cause you to become a cultist. It can be found in most cult ruins. (More about ruins and the cultist thing later) If you are a cultist, infectoids will not be hostile towards you.
  • Sacrifice Altar:
    • The sacrifice altar kills all mobs (yes, including players [hohoho mild trolling commin] and xp orbs) after the mob is killed it will drop infectoid fangs, rotten flesh and rarely, emeralds or diamonds. Each sacrifice gives 5 cult points. It needs to be placed on a cult table to work.
  • Summoning Altar:
    • The summoning altar needs to have 4 candles around it (horizontally and vertically, not diagonally) before it can be activated with a bottle of souls.
  • Worship altar:
    • Right clicking this altar will summon a worship task. You can punch it 10 times or get a pet to attack it a few times in order to complete the task. Completing the task will give 10 cult points.
  • Cult table:
    • The cult table can be used as a decoration block. The sacrifice altar needs to be placed on the cult table. (Other than that, it has no use.)
  • Bottle of souls:
    • Tier 1: The tier bottle of souls needs 50 cult points in order to be used. It will summon a few tameable small infectoids.
    • Tier 2: The tier bottle of souls needs 75 cult points in order to be used. It will summon a few infectoid beetles and a rideable infectoid beetle queen.
    • Tier 3: The tier bottle of souls needs 100 cult points in order to be used. It will summon either a tameable infectoid worm, queen, or bomber.
  • Scrap:
    • Scrap is obtained by right clicking a converter block with leather. The leather will be turned into a piece of scrap. (no image for converter block ;-;)
  • Infector:
    • The Infector wand shoots infected biome blocks, allowing you to convert biomes into an infected biome. It has 100 durability.
  • Cult armor:
    • The cult armor has a chestplate, leggings, and boots, and the infectoid hat replaces the helmet. The hat gives strength 2 when worn.
  • Infectoid Beetle Queen:
    • The Infectoid Beetle Queen is a smaller Infectoid Queen. It is also rideable and tameable. It is summoned with a tier 2 bottle of souls.
  • Infectoid Beetle
    • The Infectoid Beetle is a support/fighter mob which can be tamed to help you fight. It is summoned with a tier 2 bottle of souls.
  • Cult ruins:
    • There are many different types of cult ruins. Some of them contain cult items such as sacrifice altars or worship altars. You may even find the 1 in 10000 ruined cult city! (note: all ruins only spawn in plains biomes.)
  • Overlord:
    • The overlord is a big and mean boss, which has a 10% chance of spawning with each astral runestone used, and has a guaranteed 100% chance of spawning when using a strange astral runestone, which is crafted with the 3 strange artifacts and an astral runestone. It has 300 health points, up to 30 ranged damage and 9 melee damage, and 5 armor points. It has 3 different attacks. After killing the small overlord, it will spawn the true overlord. Get ready for a tough fight, because it has 500 hp and 30 armor points, and can deal up to 20 damage!
  • Overlord items:
    • The overlord drops 3 new items, which are the Astral edge, Phantom spear, and the lunar staff, which are upgrades to the infectious weapons. The astral edge deals 36 damage and has a AOE damage ability triggered with right click.
    • The Phantom spear deals 13 damage and when right clicked, will summon a projectile which deals 5 ranged damage and 5 knockback. The Lunar staff does 13 melee damage, and when right clicked, summons a ring of shulker bullets and summons a spectral arrow.



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Infectum Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.18.2

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For Minecraft 1.19.2

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