Integration Foregoing Mod 1.12.2 for Industrial Foregoing
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September 19, 2021
Integration Foregoing Mod 1.12.2 is an addon mod for Industrial Foregoing Mod, making use of its API and added some missing mod integrations. Additional straw drinking handler for fluids from other mods, Bioreactor entries, Plant Gatherer handlers and more.
- Thermal Foundation: Straw drinking and Laser Drill entries.
- Immersive Engineering: Straw drinking, Bioreactor entries and Plant Gatherer handlers.
- Mystical Agriculture: Bioreactor entries.
- Mystical Agradditions: Bioreactor entries.
- Tinkers’ Construct: Plastic and Pink Slime as tool materials, Laser Drill entries, Bioreactor entries and Straw drinking.
- Oreberries: Plant Gatherer handlers.
- Applied Energistics 2: Laser Drill entries.
- RFTools: Laser Drill entries.
- EvilCraft: Laser Drill entries and Bioreactor entries.
- Actually Additions: Bioreactor entries and Laser Drill entries.
- Forestry: Laser Drill entries.
- Extra Utilities 2: Plant Gatherer handler for Ender Lilly and Red Orchid.
- Ore Shrubs: Plant Gatherer handlers.
- Pam’s Harvestcraft: Bioreactor + Protein Reactor entries.
- Ex Nihilo Creatio: Bioreactor + Protein Reactor entries and Straw drinking.
- Natura: Bioreactor + Protein Reactor entries and Special Plant Gatherer handlers for Plants and Berries.
- Simple Corn: Bioreactor entries.
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For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12
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