Intermacgod Realistic 3D Resource Pack
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August 16, 2016
About Intermacgod Realistic 3D Resource Pack
Intermacgod Realistic 3D Resource Pack for Minecraft Frostburn update version that added new blocks and some new sounds.
Intermacgod Realistic 3D Resource Pack Images
See more images here
Installation for Minecraft 1.8 with OptiFine & Official Launcher (FULL FEATURES & LOOKS)
- 1. Download Optifine and Install.
- Note: This installer will install Optifine in the Official Launcher and will create a new profile “Optifine” for it.
- 2. Open Official launcher and change your (Profile) to “Optifine”
- 3. Click “Edit Profile”
- 4. Tick Box “JVM Arguments”
- 5. Change “JVM Arguments” (-Xmx1G) to your memory size (RAM) EXAMPLE: (-Xmx2G) OR (-Xmx4G) OR (-Xmx8G) OR (-Xmx16G) and “Save Profile”
- (PLEASE NOTE: 64BIT WINDOWS ONLY for 512 and 256 Versions )
- 6. Login and Click “play”
- 7. Click “Options, Resource Packs”
- 8. Click “open resource pack folder”
- 9. Place my Inter_Realistic_3D_ Resource_Pack.Zip into ResourcePack Folder.
- 10. Choose Inter_Realistic_3D_Resource_ Pack.Zip
- (Please Note: You must have a Super powerful computer and it can take up to 1 minute for the 512x pack to load.)
- 11. Click “Done” and play.
- 256×256 Version is recommended for Most Users.
Texture Packs Loading Times
- 512 x 512 about 1 Minute with Optifine
- 256 x 256 between 30 seconds with Optifine
- 128 x 128 about 20 seconds with Optifine
- 64 x 64 about 5 seconds with Optifine
Download links for Intermacgod Realistic 3D Resource Pack:
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