This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft iron ingot with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.

In Minecraft, iron ingot is one of your most important items in your inventory. You need it to craft tools, weapons, armor, mechanisms, and many more items. There is more than one way to craft iron ingot.

Let’s explore how to add iron ingot to your inventory.

Where to find Iron Ingot in Creative Mode

Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac)

Here is where you can find iron ingot in the Creative Inventory menu:

Platform Version(s) Creative Menu Location
Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.8 – 1.11
Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.12 – 1.19
Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.19.3 – 1.19.4
  • Platform is the platform that applies.
  • Version(s) is the Minecraft version numbers where the item can be found in the menu location listed (we have tested and confirmed this version number).
  • Creative Menu Location is the location of the item in the Creative Inventory menu.

Required Materials to make Iron Ingot

In Minecraft, these are the materials you can use to craft iron ingot:

9 Iron Nuggets
1 Raw Iron
1 Block of Iron

How to smelt Iron Ingot in Survival Mode

You can craft iron ingot in Survival Mode using either a furnace or blast furnace.

1. Open the Furnace Menu

First, open your furnace so that you have the Furnace menu that looks like this:

2. Add Fuel to the Furnace

Next, you need to add fuel to the bottom fuel box in the furnace.

In this tutorial, we are going to use coal as our fuel.

TIP: Read our tutorial called How to Add Fuel to a Furnace if you aren’t sure what items can be used as fuel, the length of time each fuel will burn, or how many items each fuel can smelt/cook.

3. Add Items to make Iron Ingot

Next, place the raw iron in the top box of the furnace. You should see the flames smelting the raw iron.

New Recipe

Old Recipe

Once the raw iron is cooked/smelted in the furnace, the iron ingot will appear in the box to the right. The iron ingot looks like an iron brick.

4. Move the Iron Ingot to Inventory

Now that you have made iron ingot in your furnace, you need to move the new item to your inventory.

Congratulations, you have made iron ingot using a furnace in Minecraft!

How to craft Iron Ingot in Survival Mode

1. Open the Crafting Menu

First, open your crafting table so that you have the 3×3 crafting grid that looks like this:

2. Add Items to make Iron Ingot

In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3×3 crafting grid. To make iron ingot, you will need to place specific items in the grid. It is important that the items are placed in the exact pattern as our example images. Changing the pattern of boxes that are filled will change the item that is crafted.

There are 2 patterns you can use as a crafting recipe for iron ingot:

Pattern 1

There should be 9 iron nuggets (filling all of the boxes).

Pattern 2

In the first row, there should be 1 iron block in the first box.

Now that you have filled the crafting area with the correct pattern, the iron ingot will appear in the box to the right.

3. Move the Iron Ingot to Inventory

Once you have crafted iron ingot, you need to move the new items to your inventory.

Congratulations, you have made iron ingot using a crafting table in Minecraft!

How to gather Iron Ingot in Survival Mode

You can also add iron ingot to your inventory in Survival mode by killing an iron golem. So let’s get started!

1. Find an Iron Golem

You need to first find an iron golem. In Minecraft, iron golems can spawn in villages.

If you are having trouble finding an iron golem in a village, you can also build an iron golem.

2. Attack and Kill the Iron Golem

Once you find an iron golem, you need to attack it. When you attack the iron golem, it will turn pink as it takes damage.

Continue to chase and attack the iron golem. Once you have killed the iron golem, it will drop iron ingot.

3. Pick up the Iron Ingot

Make sure you pick up the iron ingot before it disappears.

Iron ingot is a useful item that can be used to make tools, weapons and armor.

Item ID and Name

Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac)

In Minecraft, iron ingot has the following Name, ID and DataValue:

(Minecraft ID Name)
Data Value Stack Size Version
Iron Ingot
0 64 1.8 – 1.12
Iron Ingot
64 1.13 – 1.19.4
  • Description is what the item is called and (Minecraft ID Name) is the string value that is used in game commands.
  • Data Value (or damage value) identifies the variation of the block if more than one type exists for the Minecraft ID.
  • Stack Size is the maximum stack size for this item. While some items in Minecraft are stackable up to 64, other items can only be stacked up to 16 or 1. (NOTE: These stack sizes are for vanilla Minecraft only. If you are running a mod, some mods may change the stack size for an item.)
  • Platform is the platform that applies.
  • Version(s) is the Minecraft version numbers that the Minecraft ID and Name are valid for.

Give Command for Iron Ingot

Give Command in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac)

In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19 and 1.19.4, the /give command for Iron Ingot is:

/give @p iron_ingot 1

In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12, the /give command for Iron Ingot is:

/give @p iron_ingot 1 0

Things to Make with Iron Ingot

You can use iron ingot to make armor, weapons, and tools in Minecraft such as:

How to make a Blast Furnace
How to make a Hopper
How to make an Iron Nugget
How to make a Nether Reactor Core (PE)
How to make a Stonecutter
How to make a Smithing Table
How to make a Block of Iron
How to make an Iron Axe
How to make an Iron Hoe
How to make an Iron Pickaxe
How to make an Iron Shovel
How to make a Bucket
How to make a Compass
How to make Flint and Steel
How to make Shears
How to make an Iron Helmet
How to make an Iron Chestplate
How to make Iron Leggings
How to make Iron Boots
How to make a Shield
How to make an Iron Sword
How to make a Crossbow
How to make an Iron Door
How to make an Iron Trapdoor
How to make a Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate
How to make a Piston
How to make a Tripwire Hook
How to make a Minecart
How to make Rails
How to make Detector Rails
How to make Iron Bars
How to make an Anvil
How to make a Chain
How to make a Cauldron

Things to Do with Iron Ingot

Here are some activities that you can do with iron ingot in Minecraft:

How to Use a Beacon
Beacon Structure (1 layer pyramid)
Beacon Structure (2 layer pyramid)
Beacon Structure (3 layer pyramid)
Beacon Structure (4 layer pyramid)
Beacon Structure (all 6 status effects)

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