ItemJoin Plugin (1.20.4, 1.19.4) grants the ability to give highly custom items to players upon join, respawn, world-switch, region-enter, region-exit, first-join, and first-world. This is a multi-purpose plugin for giving items to players on a hub server, minigame servers, or even competitive servers such as survival, factions, skyblock and other alternative game settings. You can set up an infinite amount of items for any specific world(s) you define. Players can be given the item every time upon joining or limit them to a set amount so they do not have any duplicate items. There are so many possibilities and limitless features but only if you want that ability. If there is a feature you are looking for it is likely to have already been implemented.

This plugin can be used with Chest Commands, BossShop, DeluxeMenu’s, or even CustomGUI which will allow the creation of menus made of items which ItemJoin could have an item with a command bound to open these menus or to execute commands on a compass to warp players to specific locations. There are no specific restrictions for how ItemJoin can interact with other plugins, as long as the plugin of interest has commands to execute their objectives such as /menu, then ItemJoin can utilize that as an ItemCommand.

This plugin is unique for its high functionality and hyperactive developer, if there is a feature that is missing or a new bug in the latest update it will be resolved swiftly. Out of the very few similar category plugins that give items, this is currently the only plugin out there that gives the player an item of their choice in a specific world, so players do not carry items to a black-listed world. If the world is not defined under the custom item players will not be given that item in the unspecified world although, items will transfer worlds unless it has been restricted, clear on world-switch or use a multi-inventory plugin. ItemJoin is always expanding and adding new quality of life features, other plugins are either out of date, inactive developer, missing features, or limiting items to a specific world is broken! ItemJoin was built on the idea of resolving these problems, to become the ultimate custom items on join plugin!


  • Individual items can be defined with specific itemflags which give the item special utilizations and modified values.
  • Each item can be set with specific trigger events called triggers which will determine when the item will be given.
  • Items can be specified with their own specific ItemCommands which can be executed as an instance console, player, server, message and more available in the wiki.
  • ItemCommands can be executed with certain actions if defined, multi-click, left/right-click, physical, and/or inventory click, which will allow the user to define different commands for each action.
  • Executed commands can be charged an economical cost and put on a custom cooldown with custom sounds and particles.
  • Set custom skull textures and skull owners to player head items.
  • Supports custom features for player heads, tipped arrows, books, banners, fireworks, leather armor, map items, and more.
  • Every item slot is supported, including armor slots and crafting slots.
  • Restrict certain items to a player’s ip-address, reducing the chances of item abuse.
  • Give vanilla unmodified items as well as vanilla items which have the functionality of some defined features.
  • Dynamically updates items when a placeholder is changed.
  • Toggle blocking ALL item movement or ALL item pickups in specific worlds.
  • Items can be limited to specific gamemodes.
  • Specify custom item-usage cooldowns for items that have interaction events such as ender pearls or even food items.
  • Items can be given a probability of players receiving an item, a random chance.
  • General commands can be executed upon join, first-join, and world-switch.
  • Custom enchants and unsafe levels.
  • Toggle between clearing ALL or only ItemJoin items upon join or world-switch.
  • Toggle overwriting existing items in player’s inventories.
  • Supports PlaceholderAPI, see the valid placeholders.


You can either use /ItemJoin or /IJ to execute a command.


Permissions are case-sensitive, including the world names!​

Item Permissions 

These are the permission(s) required for players who are not server administrators to receive the item(s).


How to install:

  • Download a plugin of your choice.
  • Place the .jar and any other files in your plugins directory.
  • Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
  • Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
  • Run the server.
  • All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.

ItemJoin Plugin (1.20.4, 1.19.4) Download Links

For All Versions from Minecraft Bukkit 1.12 to Minecraft Bukkit 1.19.1

Download from Server 1

For Minecraft Bukkit 1.19.4, 1.19.2

Download from Server 1 Download from Server 2

For Minecraft Bukkit 1.20.4, 1.20.1

Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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